Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Book Fair

 Insha Allah the book fair is starting tomorrow.
Our class is scheduled to go at 1:05pm but I will only be sending the students that are buying books other students will be staying in the class with me.

If your child is not buying any books do send the draw slip as he/she has an opportunity to win $25 worth of books.

Due to technical difficulties I could not print out the weekly homework. 
In the mean time please go to the following website and practise test #4.

Today all the students read to me the booklet that was assigned for homework #3.  Masha Allah I noticed that most of the students practised as I had asked.

      Keep up the good work.
     With such hard work 
they will be fluent readers at no time at all.

Homework for today

math: page 117
Arabic Speaker:  there is a message on the blog under a message from Teacher Salam sorry I could not put it on the same posting.
Read at least 10 minutes with your child.
We have collected $130.00 toward our class tv.  JazakumAllah

Message from Teacher Salam

اللغة العربية : 15/ ذو الحجة /1433


السلام عليكم ... عيد مبارك و عساكم من عواده ... مرسلة اليوم مع الطالب نتيجة اختبار القراءة ، الرجاء الاطلاع عليها و توقيعها ، ثم اعادتها غدا ( الخميس ) للمدرسة مع الطالب .

كانت النتيجة لمعظم التلاميذ جيدة و مرضية و الحمد الله ، و هذا بالطبع يعود لمجهوداتكم الكريمة معنا في متابعة الطالب ، جزاكم الله خيرا .... و لكن ما زال عدد قليل من التلاميذ يحتاجون من الاهالي الكرام الى زيادة الجهد في متابعتهم وتدريبهم على القراءة الصحيحة للحروف و المقاطع ، بالاضافة الى ما نقوم به من جهد في المدرسة .

فمن الضروري و المطلوب من التلاميذ الان، في هذه المرحلة (مرحلة التأسيس و التمهيد للقراءة ) معرفة أسماء الحروف ( م – ب – ت – ة – ك ) و لفظهم مع حركات التشكيل الفتحة و الكسرة و الضمة وتنوين الضم ، و ذلك لكي نساعد التلميذ على سهولة، قراءة المفردات والجمل فيما بعد ، و الا سيجد صعوبة كبيرة في القراءة فيما بعد .

جزاكم الله خيرا و جعله في ميزان حسناتكم جميعا . المدرسة / سلام

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Book Fair

Asalam Alikum,

The Scholastic Book Fair is coming to town! 
  For more information on this big event, please visit the Abraar School library website
Islamic Studies:  Page 47  we have been taking about the lesson and we took up the answers today in class.
Non-Arabic speakers:  students will be tested on the following letters using fatha, kasrah and dama
  • Alef to Rah
  • zay to fah
  • kaf to yah
Library: books are due tomorrow
Spelling: Sign last weeks spelling test
Book Fair: cut and return the back portion of the flier for a chance to win $25 worth of books for your house and the class.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Eid Mubarak


Asalam Alikum,  Insha Allah we will not have homework this week due to holidays.

I would like to thank all of you for your help I will see you next week.
 We will be be off tomorrow Friday 26th and Monday 29th.
Insha Allah all of you have an enjoyable Eid.

I will keep you posted with regards to our Eid baskets. Parents who have children in the after care program commented on this wonderful gesture and could not believe how much the students contributed.

 Unfortunately, I missed their first swimming class but I'm sure I will hear all about it on Tuesday.
 I would like to thank the volunteers and the supply teacher for making this day pleasant for the students.

If your child is sick please keep them at home there is a stomach virus going around and it is catchy. I came down with it and caused absence.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Hajj workshop

Alhamdulillah the Hajj workshop was a success.  The children enjoyed it very much specially since they learnt so much about Hajj.

The Eid Baskets are almost complete and the clothing is all packed in zip-lock bags.We also collected some cash donations that will help. 
 I would like to say JazakumAllah for all your generosity. 

Math: page 115
Read any book you enjoy.

We have reached $90 for our class T.V. so far.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Hajj Workshop

Hajj Workshop is tomorrow.  Children may wear an abaja,thobe or an Ihram.

We have started to prepare the Eid Baskets Masha Allah thank you so much for your support in this small project.


Math: page 114 home connection.
Spelling: test tomorrow
Reading: booklet assigned with the weekly homework

Homework is due tomorrow.

Sunday, 21 October 2012

A message from Monsieur Said, the French teacher

Assalam alaikoum dear parents:
Homework was sent home on Wednesday,October 17th, 2012

Mets les mots en ordre (put the words in order):
pages 39 and 40 (cahier de l eleve
: Blackline Masters)

the story - La Poule Maboule - to help your child to do his/her homework.

Please follow the instructions below:

- read the sentences, that are not in order, with your child
- look forthe correct sentences in the story (La Poule Maboule)
- have your child write each correct sentence 2 times
- have your child draw a picture related to each sentence

We will be emailing you the story as an attachement (powerpoint), please use it to help you and your child do the homework...

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!

Monsieur Said

Friday, 19 October 2012

Non Arabic Speakers

Note from Non-Arabic teacher
Please review the Arabic letters (Alef to Yah) and the numbers 1-10.


Math: page 113 please do the last section.
Read the booklet that was assigned as weekly homework.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Eid Baskets/Swimming forms

Asalam Alikum dear parents,

Our first swimming lesson will be the coming Thursday Oct 25th,2012.

I need all the swimming forms in by Monday if you have not send them in.
I also send a form for all the moms who are able to volunteer.  I only have 3 volunteers which will not be sufficient for all my students.

We will be packing the Eid Baskets tomorrow and have them ready for the families we will be helping. 
This is the last chance to send any items you would like to share.  I do want some baskets, containers or trays that we can use to put items in.

Math: page 111 and 112.  Students did not have a chance to complete page 112 but will finish tomorrow Insha Allah. You may still do the home connection part of that page if you like.
They are doing very well in this chapter.

Reading: Students should be reading the booklet I gave with the homework and the flash cards.

Islamic Studies: we have been discussing Hajj and the different steps done during this special time

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Arabic Reading Test, Teacher Salam students (Arabic Speakers)

A message from Tr. Salam, for her Arabic speaking students:
الاهالي الكرام .. السلام عليكم
أود الاشارة بخصوص اختبار القراءة المشار اليه في ورقة واجب اليوم ( الاربعاء 17/ 10 ) بأن الطالب سيتم تقويمه على النقاط التالية :
*تمييز الحروف ( م – ك – ب – ت ) من بين الحروف و قراءتها .
* القراءة و اللفظ الصحيح للحروف السابقة مع الفتحة و الكسرة و الضمة و التنوين .
*القراءة و اللفظ الصحيح للحروف السابقة  مع المدود ( الالف – الواو – الياء ) .
*القراءة ة واللفظ الصحيح  للمقاطع الموضحة في ورقة الواجب .
          يتم التدريب على ذلك يوميا في الفصل ،من خلال العديد من الانشطة اللغوية المحببة للطالب ،
الاختبار سيكون ان شاء ، كما هو موضح في ورقة الواجب :
 الاثنين الموافق 22/10 .                            
                                   جزاكم الله خيرا ... المدرسة / سلام
Students were given homework #3.
I made their booklets this week all you have to do is read it with your son/daughter. Last weeks homework in their folder if there are any corrections to be done please make the necessary corrections and send it next Tuesday for me to look at it.
Math workbook was not sent home today if you would like to work on math you may talk with your child about the graph we did in class today and how we found out what the class favourite chocolate was.
Cut Hajj people and finmd things for diorama if you child has any ideas for other groups please let them share ideas or items.
We will be preparing our Eid gift baskets this Friday Insha Allah.  Thank you so much for your contributions.

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Swimming Program

Asalam Alikum, 
 Dear parents as you have read by now we will be starting the swimming program; however we will be needing your help.  For the younger grades we will require 5 to1 ratio.  We are looking for female volunteers for this to be successful.  If you are able to help and are interested  please e-mail me at and I can send you more details you do not need to have swimming experience but can help getting the children ready for their lesson.

math: 109 students were introduced to making their own graphs today and surveys.

Reading:  today's reading its any book of their choice

Islamic Studies:  help your child make things for their diorama.

Eid Baskets:  I have been looking for nice baskets to fill but they are very hard to find at a reasonable price so I need your help. If you have any trays or wicker baskets you no longer need please send them to the class so we can start filling them.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Special Message

Asalam Alikum,

Teacher Hoda would like to remind you that the students are learning surat Al_Alaq, aya 1-8.  Please practise with your child.

Students started working on their dioramas please help them by looking on the Internet and showing them pictures this will help them with ideas.
Each group is working on a different theme, ask your son/daughter what group they are in they may bring items also to add to their diorama.

The themes are as follows:
Group 1: Muzdalifa
Group 2: Mina Tents
Group 3: Throwing stones
Group 4: Sheep slaughtering
Group 5: Tawaf
Group 6: Arafat

Homework weekly homework is due tomorrow.

Math: page 108
Reading: "Missing Numbers"
Spelling:  test tomorrow don't forget to send the spelling test book.

Eid Baskets:  don't forget to send your unwanted items.  The class will start preparing baskets this week.

Friday, 12 October 2012

Rewarding News

Asalam Alikum,  hamdulillah the students that got hurt is well and at home.  I would like to thank the students that made something special for her.  I thought it was very thoughtful of them.  Subhana Allah when I saw students handing me the letters I was  touched to know that we have such a caring environment in our class,  it showed how much we have bonded.

We had two winner for the Tarbiyah Bucks.  Insha Allah I will like to see everyone get many Tarbiyyah bucks and increase their chances of winning.


Math: page 107, home connection

Reading:  read "missing numbers" Students will be asked to read me the book on Tuesday

Spelling: test on Tuesday.  Spelling test books were sent home today sign and return and make any necessary corrections. 

Islamic Studies: We discussed Hajj in further details and each group was a sign a certain ritual relating to Hajj. Students will be gathering picture or ideas to portray in their dioramas.

Dont forget that homework needs to be completed by Tuesday in a neat manner.

Eid Baskets:  Our Eid Baskets are coming along but we still need a lot more items please parents encourage your child to give and take part filling our Eid Baskets.  The first few day students were so excited and things are calming down.  I will try to make them feel enthusiastic again about this project but I also need your help.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Eid Al-Adha


We are talking about Hajj and Eid Al-Adha rituals.  Talk to your child about Hajj and why it is special time for Muslims all around the world. 

We will be working on a special project for our bulletin board but I need all the parents help.  I need you to send any magazines calenders you don't need.  I'm trying to find pictures to cut related Hajj and surroundings, if you have any that you can donate it would be great(Arabic,Muslim magazines, etc).

Today I did not send any homework.

One of your child's class mates got hurt and she needed to go to the hospital and I accompanied her.  Please keep her in your dua'as.  Hamdulillah she is fine.

Students may work on their weekly homework and practise reading their booklet.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Clean the Capital

Asalam Alikum,

The class had a great time  during "Cleaning the Capital" session.  Students had hands on experience learning that our responsibilities as citizens is to keep our community clean.

I sent home the first homework corrected.  If your child has corrections please have them correct the work and return it.
I cant emphasise enough how I need them to print properly on the lines.  Please parents its not just about getting the homework done. Encourage your children to take pleasure in doing their homework neat and use the skills they have been learning.

Saying all that I will be looking for neat hand writing and colouring for next week.


  • page 105 complete the 3 questions on the bottom of the page.  Students were given time in class to ask 10 friends and complete the chart.  We had an example on the board and did the questions together so they know how to read the chart for tonight.
  • Home connection
  • Make the booklet given today for homework and start reading it.  They should read the same book every single day.
  • Please send back the booklet they made for last week "I see Numbers".  I will be testing their reading and marking the words they had difficulty reading.
Eid Basket:
  • We have collected some toys,books and clothing.
  • Please send your non-perishable foods to fill our Eid Baskets.  I would like to have several baskets made for some needy families.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Clean the Capital

Show your community pride and help keep Ottawa graffiti-free and litter-free! Take part in Cleaning the Capital by cleaning up public property where you live, work or play. Cleanup supplies provided.

CTC 2012 Web Banner

The school will be supporting this program tomorrow Insha Allah.  If you would like to come and join that would be great.  we will be out on the school grounds from 10:55-11:35.

Math: page 104 answer the question what those the graph show you?

Reading:  Please read the booklet given last week on numbers I will be asking the students to read it to me tomorrow Insha Allah.

Eid Basket:  Clothes and Food.  Don't forget that if you would like to add other items that we have not mentioned please feel free to send them in.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Long weekend

Asalam Alikum,

There is  no school October 5th and 8th.

I would like to thank the parents who have been helping out with the class wish list and also providing donations for our Eid baskets.

Data Management and Probability

In Math, we have started looking at Unit 5 ...
Data Management and Probability
Please take the time to do the Home Connection on p.101, and take the time to read and explain to your child p.102
(an introduction to the chapter).
Jazakum-Allah kheir for your cooperation and assistance!

math: Page 41, we wrapped up the unit today.

Reading:  read for 5-10 minutes.  Students should be reading the booklet daily.

Sharing:  If you can help you child look for Items to bring on Tuesday that would be great.

The homework is due on Tuesday when students return.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Great Outcomes

Asalam alikum,

I'm very pleased to announce that we had an excellent result for toy donations.

Today, insha Allah the students will be looking through their books.  Now that does not mean that I wont accept toys any more.  Students can bring any items they feel are suitable for the gift baskets.

The first homework package was sent home today.
  • You will find enclose two plastic bags, the larger one is for you to keep the homework folder in the smaller one is for the flash cards you will be making with your child.
  • you can use this link to practise for the spelling test
  • you will find Arabic homework
  • there was no French homework
  • the homework will be due next week but if they finish earlier they can drop it off.

I will be sending the math on daily basis as well as their red folder for regular printing practise.


Reading: 5 to ten minutes.  i encourage the students to read the booklet I send as part of the weekly homework.  They should be reading the booklet daily.

Printing: Red folder one page bring it back tomorrow

Sharing item: books and toys

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Let's Share

Asalam Alikum

Now that is Eid Al-Adha is coming I would like to the students to fill lots of buckets.

I would like to have students fill baskets and pass them on to some of the needy families in our community.

The baskets will be filled with toys, book, clothes and other items we have at home that we no longer use.  This will be a great opportunity to share with others and teach the students the value of giving.  I'm not looking for you donate new items simply look around your house for items you no longer need or want and we will find a good home for them.
Mom and dad you can also help out with giving some of your items this will make it easier for your child to give as well.
I will assign different items for the students to look for on different days, today is toy day.

The students are very excited about this project and so am I.  Insha Allah together we can make this work.


Math: page 40-41
Printing:  students took their certificates and red folder to do final corrections if needed.  I will be sending home the new sheet tomorrow Insha Allah.
Reading: 5-10 minutes
Look for toys to donate.

Monday, 1 October 2012

Toonie Tuesday

Asalam Alikum,

Tomorrow will be our first Toonie Tuesday of the year.

If your a new students you may be wondering what is this?  You get to wear your favourite clothes but make sure they are modest and have have no pictures, or drawings words are fine.  Girls still need to wear their Hijab for prayer.
However if you do not wish to wear your uniform you do need to bring a Toonie (two dollars).  The students who are not participating should wear their uniform and do not need to bring in a Toonie.  All the proceeds go to the PST which are then used for the school event.

Masha Allah I would like to thank Omar's and Arwa's parents for fulfilling with some of our class wish list.  We(students and I) really appreciate it.


Math:  page 38. 
I encourage you to practise with your child.  Today we used pasta to represent the books and cereal for the snack.  Students still need to practise the concept to fully understand it.

Reading:  Read with your child for 5-10.  Let them try to read on their own but be there for guidance.

Printing:  Masha Allah they have finished printing their alphabet letters.  I will be sending home some certificates for those students who did extraordinary work.
I will continue with printing practises, but we will move on to sentences.  Most of the students did well and I would like them to continue practising.