- practice reading with your child for at least 10 minutes
- you can work on the weekly homework
- skip counting can be a great exercise too
Thursday, 28 February 2013
No homework
Due to the weather many students did not come to school, therefore I did not teach any new lessons.
Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Math page 144-145. If your child was absent yesterday please read and sign page 140.
Read for ten minutes. I gave the students a reading test today. For most students they are doing well.
Spelling : Test books went home today. If your child had spelling mistakes please have them write each word three times on a separate piece of paper not in the spelling test book.
Spelling results were not so great Insha Allah please help your child. I wanted to mention that although some of the students are doing well in their test I do not want them to have poor writing. Work with your child when they are doing their test at home, emphasis on the printing.
Math page 144-145. If your child was absent yesterday please read and sign page 140.
Read for ten minutes. I gave the students a reading test today. For most students they are doing well.
Spelling : Test books went home today. If your child had spelling mistakes please have them write each word three times on a separate piece of paper not in the spelling test book.
Spelling results were not so great Insha Allah please help your child. I wanted to mention that although some of the students are doing well in their test I do not want them to have poor writing. Work with your child when they are doing their test at home, emphasis on the printing.
- Please help support the SK toy sale on Thrusday 28/2/2013.
- Please remember if you did not enrol your child for the milk program for the month of March tomorrow is the dead line.
Monday, 25 February 2013
Monday 25/2/2013
Math: page140
Spelling: Test tomorrow do not forget to bring your yellow book.
Reading: Please read at least 10 minutes everyday
Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
I have sent an e-mail to all the parents regarding the milk program. There are several students who did not enrol for the month of March. If you are interested in your child taking part in the milk program please send $15 by Wednesday.
Math: page140
Spelling: Test tomorrow do not forget to bring your yellow book.
Reading: Please read at least 10 minutes everyday
Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
I have sent an e-mail to all the parents regarding the milk program. There are several students who did not enrol for the month of March. If you are interested in your child taking part in the milk program please send $15 by Wednesday.
A message from Tr.Salam
عليكم :
حصة المكتبة العربية ( القصص ) ان شاء الله ستكون كل يوم جمعة ، فالطالب
الذي يرغب في تبديل قصته يستطيع ذلك كل يوم جمعة .. فالرجاء أن تبقى القصة معه في
البيت ، و احضارها فقط الجمعة لتبديلها، والحد الاقصى لبقاء القصة مع الطالب
اسبوعين من تاريخ الاستعارة .
*الاهداف المرجوة من استعارة القصص العربية الاتي :
تنمية قدرة الطالب على التهجئة و القراءة -
تنمية حصيلته اللغوية بالمفردات و التراكيب اللغوية بطريقة محببه الى
نفسه - فهم المقروء ،و الاستفادة من
القيم الايجابية التي يستنتجها من القصة .
فلذلك قراءة الطالب و هو في هذه السن المبكرة للقصة مرة واحدة، في مدة (مثلا
20 دقيقة ) لا تحقق الاهداف المرجوة ، و لكن لتحقيق الفائدة للطالب ، على
ولي الامر أن يجلس معه عدة مرات لقراءة بعض منها أو حتى عدة جمل أو مفردات
منها ، ليحقق في كل مرة هدفا من الاهداف المذكورة .
و لكم جزيل الشكر على حسن تعاونكم معنا
Friday, 22 February 2013
Student Led Conference
Alhamdullilah this was a successful night......
The students had been preparing for a long time and were eager to share the adventure with you.
Thank you for those who came. Insha Allah you can share this experience with them next year again.
The students had been preparing for a long time and were eager to share the adventure with you.
Thank you for those who came. Insha Allah you can share this experience with them next year again.
Thursday, 21 February 2013
Student Led Conference

Tomorrow: 22/2/2313 we will be having Student Led Conferences.
there will also be an early dismissal students are to be picked up by 1:30pm Insha Allah kheir.
I just wanted to remind you that your child has been working very hard to prepare their portfolio and are looking forward to sharing this time with you. If you have not booked a time yet I still have some spots left. You may e-mail me or send in the blue slip to confirm a time.
Important: Message from Teacher Iman, the Sk teacher....
Assalamu alaykom dear parents,
The Senior Kindergarten class will be holding several
fundraisers for the SK Graduation at the end of the year. The first fundraiser
we are going to do is the Toy Sale. We ask for your cooperation in this
fundraising event by donating toys in good condition that are able to be sold.
If you are willing to contribute to this toysale please bring in the toys on Wednesday, February 27, 2013 or the morning of Thursday, February 28, 2013 to the SK classroom.
The Toy Sale will take place all
day Thursday, February 28, 2013 in the school gym.
The toys will be reasonably
priced and all proceeds will go directly to funding the SK Graduation.
Thank you for your cooperation,
Jazakom Allah khayran
Iman Al Hajjar
ECE, B.A. Child Studies, B.Ed.,
Homeroom SK Teacher
Tuesday, 19 February 2013
Thursday, 14 February 2013
No School 15/2/2013
- I did not send extra homework for the long weekend.
Do not forget that there is no school on Friday 15/2/2013 P.D day and 18/2/2013 for Family Day.
- School will re-open on 19/2/2013.
- Students are expected to have finished their weekly homework and be ready to work hard for the last semester.
- Do not forget to send in the Student Led Conference form as spot are limited and they do fill in fast.
- have your child look the mystery in this post and tell me on Tuesday what they think it might be.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
Please make sure that they are wearing their swimming clothes under their uniform.
I also need all of them to have a winter hat and scarf for after wards.I do not want the students to get sick.
The students had a blast today doing all different kinds of activities that required counting to 100.
I sent home the weekly homework.
You will noticed that I will not be having a spelling test this week. The reason is that we have a P.D. day on Friday and Monday is a holiday.
The students are doing excellent in their spelling, therefore I feel they deserve a break.
They should have fun playing outdoors and they can share with you what they are learning.
They have been working hard in class and are progressing well.
If you have any concerns please let me know.
T. Jessica
Monday, 11 February 2013
Homework 11/2/2013
I will not be giving any math homework today. We are trying to prepare for Wednesday assembly.
Some of the students are still learning the lyrics and the rest are perfecting it.
Weekly homework is due tomorrow and we will have a spelling test.
The school is having snack for sale. The funds raise are for the science fair.
I will not be giving any math homework today. We are trying to prepare for Wednesday assembly.
Some of the students are still learning the lyrics and the rest are perfecting it.
Weekly homework is due tomorrow and we will have a spelling test.
The school is having snack for sale. The funds raise are for the science fair.
Friday, 8 February 2013
Need your help for the "100 days of school"
Asalam Alikum, Insha Allah all of you are well.
I did not send any homework this weekend. Instead I want the students to work on their reading and their weekly homework.
I also wanted to let you know that the 100 day of school will be this Wednesday.
The kids will be having loads of fun with the activities I have planned but I do need your co-operation.
I have been collecting different items such as bread clips, buttons and other small items, if you have any small items please send them and we can add them to the 100 things to collect.
I also posted a few weeks back about out seed collection. If you can get out to the store and pick up some seeds that would be great. We are collecting 100 types of seeds. So far we have about 50 different types. We need to have another 50 to reach our goal, you may get types of veggies or even flower seed.
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
A message from Teacher Salam regarding the "Arabic Reading Program"
Salam is asking all the parents to please follow up and encourage their child
during the "Arabic Reading Program".
Below you
will find all the information you need for the "Arabic Reading
& ENJOY!!!
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السادة أولياء الامور الكرام
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ....
إيمانا منا بأهمية القراءة الحرة في تنمية اللغة العربية و
مهاراتها , و رغبة في مساعدة الطالب / ة على إثراء مفرداته اللغوية , و زيادة مدى
إدراكه و فهمه للغته الام , وتمنية استعداده و اقباله على القراءة , اهتدينا
لعمل ( نظام المكتبة العربية ) حيث يقوم الطالب باستعارة قصة من معلمته كل
أسبوعين مع جدول متابعة, وعليه إعادتهما في نهاية الاسبوعين ............. فالرجاء :
*المحافظة على القصة و عدم اتلافها .
*تسليم القصة ، و جدول المتابعة , داخل الكيس المخصص لهما في الوقت المحدد
. ( أسبوعان من تاريخ الاستلام )
*حث الطالب/ة على القراءة و تشجيعه عليها , و ذلك بأن تجلس معه
على الاقل خمس مرات في الاسبوع لقراءة القصة من خمس إلى عشرة دقائق , بأن تقرأ له
صفحة ثم تطلب منه قراءة و تهجئة بعض كلمات منها , أو قراءة جملة .... و هكذا
*تفسير الكلمات الصعبة له , و التأكد من فهمه لما يسمع أو يقرأ
, و ذلك بطرح أسئلة عليه خلال القراءة
, أوالطلب منه اعادة المواقف
الرئيسية التي مرت به , و ماذا يتوقع بعد ذلك ... و هكذا .
*عدم التدقيق على الاخطاء البسيطة التي لا تؤثر على المعنى
*التذكرة خلال القراءة بالكلمات التي تتكرر فيسهل على الطالب /ة
قراءتها مرة أخرى .
* تقطيع الكلمات إلى مقاطع فيسهل قراءتها . مثال :
- يلفظ كل حرف في
الكلمة لوحده مشكلا ( سبح : س ب ح – قفل
: ق ف ل ) .
- الحرف الساكن يلفظ كمقطع مع الحرف السابق
له ( خبز - خب . ز )
(مبخرة - مب . خ . ر . ة)
- كذلك حرف المد يلفظ كمقطع مع الحرف السابق له ( حصان –
ح . صا . ن ) ( إبريق - إب .ري . ق ) ( طيور – ط . يو . ر ) ....... و قد تم تدريب الطالب /ة على ذلك خلال القراءة
الحرة الجماعية في الفصل .
*اعادة قراءة القصة عدة مرات ، وعدم الاكتفاء بقراءتها مرة
واحدة ، و ذلك للاستفادة.
*تسجيل ما يقرأ الطالب , و مدة القراءة
التي استغرقها في كل مرة , على جدول متابعة القراءة الحرة , حتى يتسنى لنا تشجيعه و
مكافأته عليها . و جزاكم
الله على حسن تعاونكم الدائم
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
السادة أولياء الامور الكرام
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته ....
إيمانا منا بأهمية القراءة الحرة في تنمية اللغة العربية و
مهاراتها , و رغبة في مساعدة الطالب / ة على إثراء مفرداته اللغوية , و زيادة مدى
إدراكه و فهمه للغته الام , وتمنية استعداده و اقباله على القراءة , اهتدينا
لعمل ( نظام المكتبة العربية ) حيث يقوم الطالب باستعارة قصة من معلمته كل
أسبوعين مع جدول متابعة, وعليه إعادتهما في نهاية الاسبوعين ............. فالرجاء :
*المحافظة على القصة و عدم اتلافها .
*تسليم القصة ، و جدول المتابعة , داخل الكيس المخصص لهما في الوقت المحدد
. ( أسبوعان من تاريخ الاستلام )
*حث الطالب/ة على القراءة و تشجيعه عليها , و ذلك بأن تجلس معه
على الاقل خمس مرات في الاسبوع لقراءة القصة من خمس إلى عشرة دقائق , بأن تقرأ له
صفحة ثم تطلب منه قراءة و تهجئة بعض كلمات منها , أو قراءة جملة .... و هكذا
*تفسير الكلمات الصعبة له , و التأكد من فهمه لما يسمع أو يقرأ
, و ذلك بطرح أسئلة عليه خلال القراءة
, أوالطلب منه اعادة المواقف
الرئيسية التي مرت به , و ماذا يتوقع بعد ذلك ... و هكذا .
*عدم التدقيق على الاخطاء البسيطة التي لا تؤثر على المعنى
*التذكرة خلال القراءة بالكلمات التي تتكرر فيسهل على الطالب /ة
قراءتها مرة أخرى .
* تقطيع الكلمات إلى مقاطع فيسهل قراءتها . مثال :
- يلفظ كل حرف في
الكلمة لوحده مشكلا ( سبح : س ب ح – قفل
: ق ف ل ) .
- الحرف الساكن يلفظ كمقطع مع الحرف السابق
له ( خبز - خب . ز )
(مبخرة - مب . خ . ر . ة)
- كذلك حرف المد يلفظ كمقطع مع الحرف السابق له ( حصان –
ح . صا . ن ) ( إبريق - إب .ري . ق ) ( طيور – ط . يو . ر ) ....... و قد تم تدريب الطالب /ة على ذلك خلال القراءة
الحرة الجماعية في الفصل .
*اعادة قراءة القصة عدة مرات ، وعدم الاكتفاء بقراءتها مرة
واحدة ، و ذلك للاستفادة.
*تسجيل ما يقرأ الطالب , و مدة القراءة
التي استغرقها في كل مرة , على جدول متابعة القراءة الحرة , حتى يتسنى لنا تشجيعه و
مكافأته عليها .
و جزاكم الله على حسن تعاونكم الدائم
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
No Homework
I did not assign any homework, however I do want to have the spelling test signed and returned.
Insha Allah, tomorrow the grade are having their weekly chocolate and pop corn sale......
Other than that just read with your child and enjoy each others company!!!!
The students are becoming very good readers Hamdulillah.
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