We will be starting a new month tomorrow and we need to update the request for milk, please fill in the milk form I sent to you by e-mail and return it ASAP, but no later than Friday please.
Math page 184-185 home connection only please. Some students did not finish measuring their friends.
Bring objects or picture of object that you can measure with.
Reading- read for at least 10 minutes.
Pizza form and milk forms.
Enjoy the warm weather Insha Allah.
Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Monday, 29 April 2013
Exciting Week Ahead!!!
Asalam Alikum, Insha allah you all had a restful weekend.
There is lots happening here in Abraar School.
- Please send your gently used toy to help the SK's graduation no later than Friday May 3rd.
- Tomorrow we have a bake sale!! Its the grade 2's turn this time. Remember that all the proceeds are going towards the new youth centre.
- Weekly homework is due tomorrow and there is also a spelling test.
- Do not forget to send in the Pizza form order if you intend for your child to take part. If you have misplaced the order form just send in the money and let me know what your child would like and I will take care of the rest.
Thursday, 25 April 2013
Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
I have come across a
very interesting article about children and
technological devices. To access the article, click here.
Have a great day,
- No math was sent home today.
- The weekly homework was sent home today.
- Bookflix: If have not done so already you will be needing your password
- If your child has his/her spelling workbook please make sure to send it to school tomorrow.
- Do not forget to send the money for the JK pizza sale. They need to place the orders ahead of time.
If this does not stop I will not be taking them swimming.
One other thing please parents we need your help. If I do not get enough volunteers I will not be going any more. I had two/three sisters that are there every time, but on the other hand I do not have any one helping me with the boys and it is very difficult. I need someone to help them out. If you are interested in helping please let me know.
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED: JK Fundraiser for the school......
hope you and your family are well and in good health…
The Jk's will be holding a fundraiser on Friday, May 10th, inshallah!
They will be selling pizza. I am including the "Fundraising Pizza Order Form" in your child's pouch…
Please complete it and send it back with your child by Tuesday, April 30th, the latest!
Jazakum-Allah kheir for your support and cooperation!
Thank you and take care!
- There is no math homework today.
- Read with your child the book they brought home from the library.
- There is swimming tomorrow insha Allah.
- Fill out the pizza order and return as soon as possible.
- I did not send the weekly homework today it will be sent tomorrow Insha Allah.
Tuesday, 23 April 2013
Homework for tonight Insha Allah.
Math: home connection page 246-248.
Spelling: workbook page 104 please complete and return by Friday.
Reading: please read with your child at least ten minutes. I also noticed that many students have not yet have their password for bookflix. Please contact teacher Nancy to get your password. I showed all the students today how to use it and Insha Allah you make good use of the programs well.
I would like all the parents to have their password by Friday the latest if there are any problems please let me know.
Monday, 22 April 2013
Thursday, 18 April 2013
Math: page 240 finish
Non Arabic Speaker: I believe the teacher will be sending the book to study from tomorrow Insha Allah.
I will be doing the last presentations tomorrow. Please make sure your child is prepare for their oral presentation.
Have a wonderful night.
Math: page 240 finish
Non Arabic Speaker: I believe the teacher will be sending the book to study from tomorrow Insha Allah.
I will be doing the last presentations tomorrow. Please make sure your child is prepare for their oral presentation.
Have a wonderful night.
Note from Tr.Nancy
Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
Have you
read great children’s or young adults books lately? If you have, I would like
to hear about it; I am sure that other parents would like to hear about it, too.
week, I post book recommendations on the school library website. If you would
like to include your recommendations on the library website, please email me
your book review at nbrethour@abraarschool.com
I look
forward to hearing from you.
Happy Reading !
Wednesday, 17 April 2013
Jazakum-Allah kheir for your full support!
Our bake sale was a success, walhamdulillah!
We were able to fundraise $562.96...
May Allah bless you and your families!
- I will be asking the students questions based on the home connection to make sure that they are doing their homework.
- Please do not forget to contact Tr. Nancy if you have not done so.
- the spelling words on the weekly homework are wrong sorry about that: these are the correct words
- small last spot snow spoon slide star
Non Arabic speaker only: Quiz from Page 34-37 on Monday.
Monday, 15 April 2013
Weekly homework is due tomorrow!
Spelling test tomorrow. I will no longer be lenient with marks and with their writing. Tonight just do a quick check that they are printing their letters correctly please. Last week there were lots of silly mistakes.
Please parents this is the last reminder that your child is scheduled to do their presentations this week. I was not pleased today when I found out that some students have not started. I had given plenty of time and reminders as well.
If there are any problems and your child can not present on the given scheduled day contact me tomorrow to arrange for another day. I would like to have all the presentations done for this week Insha Allah.
All the students must complete math page 235. I already took up the page with your child and we all did the answer orally all they need to do is fill in the blanks.
مهرجان اللغة العربية السنوي السابع
تتشرف أسرة اللغة العربية بمدرسة الأبراربدعوة سيادتكم لحضور مهرجان اللغة العربية السنوي السابع وذلك في تمام الساعة : 9:30 صباحا
اليوم : الاربعاء17 / 4 / 2013
المكان : ملعب المدرسة
حضوركم يزيدنا تشريفا ويزيد أبناءنا تشجيعا، فتعالوا نشاهد أبناءنا يقدمون أفضل ما لديهم من أنشطة فنية وأدبية.
Abraar School Seventh Arabic Annual Festival
language staff at Abraar School cordially invites you to its 7th annual Arabic
When:Wednesday 17/ 4 / 2013
(9:30 AM)
Where: School gym
and watch your children (Arabic speakers
and non-speakers) perform their best.
Friday, 12 April 2013
Bake sale
Who: You!!! ( GRADE 1A’S AND 1B’S)
What: Bake
Where: In
the gym
April 16th
Bake sale
Wedensday, April 10th 2013
Dearest Parents,
This is to inform you that both grade 1A & 1B will be responsible for
the FIRST bake sale of a series of sales. The funds raised will go towards the purchase
of our new school and the making of the youth centre.
Of course we could not do this without your full support! We would like to ask each and every
family to provide us with baked goods to sell on Tuesday,
April 16th, inshallah!
Please make sure that the goods are NUT FREE…
When baking the goods, keep in mind that the customers are children.
Some suggestions of what to bake or send:
cupcakes, chocolate chip cookies, cakes, brownies, small sandwishes, little
meat pies & cheese pies, little pizzas, etc.
To make the servining process easier, please wrap/package in individual
Please remember that we are selling to the whole school…
Together, inshallah,
we can achieve our goal!!!
Last but not least, we would like to have some parents volunteer (6 would
be wonderful) to help in the serving process on the day on the day of the bake
sale, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm. Please
email if you are able to make it.
We appreciate your full support and cooperation!!!
Tr. Jessica & Asma’a
p.s. If you have
family and friends that would like to help, it would be great!!! We want everyone to be rewarded…
Thursday, 11 April 2013
Book Fair
Math: 233 Math connection
Students will still get a chance to go to the book fair tomorrow if they were not able to go today.
Dress your children well for tomorrows weather. Not many of them are dress well.
Math: 233 Math connection
Students will still get a chance to go to the book fair tomorrow if they were not able to go today.
Dress your children well for tomorrows weather. Not many of them are dress well.
Wednesday, 10 April 2013
Book Fair

We also have swimming. I need all the students to come with their swim suits under neath their uniforms. I also wanted to remind you that we need volunteers if you can make it Insha Allah.
Weekly homework was sent out today. Please look inside your child black bag as we have a bake sale coming up on April 16th to help the school fund raising.
Tuesday, 9 April 2013
Book Fair
Tuesday, April 9th, 2013
Bookfair (Part II)
Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school this week, and we invite you to
come and share in this celebration of literacy with us!
more than ever, reading is vital to leading a better life. It is the door opener
to the 21st century for all children. Knowing how to read is just the
beginning. Motivating young people to KEEP READING, comprehend what they read
and develop the ability to think creatively are the end goals.
need ACCESS to great books and the opportunity to CHOOSE what they want to read.
Moreover, they need TIME for reading.
Book Fairs has the books to motivate more reading. With your involvement, we can
inspire children to practice reading and read more often. Together, we can make
a difference in their lives that will last a lifetime.
great way to ensure our children get started with reading and keep on reading
all year long is with the Classroom
Wish List program. We
urge you to stop by the CWL display when you first arrive at the Fair. Take a
moment to learn how purchasing books and donating them to your child’s
classroom, can give
little readers even greater ACCESS to the books they want to read by expanding
existing classroom libraries.
asked each teacher to fill-in her “book wish list” prior to the fair. Look for
your child’s teacher’s name on the display. All teachers took great care in
selecting the best and most appropriate books to meet their students’ reading
levels and learning needs. It is their wish that these books become a permanent
part of the classroom library. We will recognize every generous gift you make
with a special bookplate, identifying your family or child as the
will display the Classroom Wish List at the book fair, so keep an eye out for
Your support can help a classroom blossom with new and exciting adventures in
reading, stimulating young minds for years to come.
We hope
to see you at our Scholastic Book Fair. Together, we can raise
Fair Chairperson
THE BOOKFAIR "A message from Teacher Nancy, the Librarian..."
Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school this week! What better way to
promote reading to our students than by supporting this important literary
invite your entire family to participate by purchasing the latest and greatest
in children’s books. Did you know that for every $10 you spend at the Fair up to
$6 comes directly back to our school? Your support of this vital literary event
is key in helping us obtain new books and resources for our library and
will find hundreds of quality books at our Book Fair with a wide assortment for
all reading levels. On Monday, your child will be bringing home the
Scholastic Book Fair flyer that provides a preview of only a FEW of the many
books available to purchase at our Fair.
flyer also contains a special Family Event Draw ballot that parents can deposit
during our Family Event. You could win $50 in books – $25 for your family
PLUS $25 for your child’s
Do not
forget to mark the Book Fair dates on your calendar! We look forward to seeing
you during our Scholastic Book Fair and thank you, in advance, for supporting
this great literary fundraiser. Mostly, thank you for believing in books and the
importance reading has on your child’s future.
Fair Chairperson
Fair Dates:
April 11 and Friday, April 12,
9:00 to
3:30 (both days)
accept cheques made payable to our school. Visa, MasterCard and American Express
are welcome, too.
Friday, 5 April 2013
Math: page 228 home connection practice with your child counting by 10's, We will work on page 229 on Monday insha Allah.
Read at least 10 minutes.
Please if you have time to go shopping buy splash guard pants for your child. If you do not intend to do so send an extra set of clothes. Today so many students were dirty and upset because of it.
Thursday, 4 April 2013
Please do not forget to contact Tr. Nancy and get your password for bookflix.
Please parent send your child with proper clothing for outdoor recess. I have noticed that they can't help themselves and sometimes they fall. Splash pants or snow pants are great to keep the uniform clean.
- please sign page 223
- sign page 224 and read it with your child
- page 225-227 do the home connection
Please do not forget to contact Tr. Nancy and get your password for bookflix.
Please parent send your child with proper clothing for outdoor recess. I have noticed that they can't help themselves and sometimes they fall. Splash pants or snow pants are great to keep the uniform clean.
Tuesday, 2 April 2013
Unit 10: Place Value and number Application
We are starting a new unit in Math.....
Please take the time to read the instructions with your child tomorrow!
Also, please continue to do the Home Connection at the bottom of the assigned pages.
Jazakum MullAllah Kheirn for your co-operation.
- Please do not forget to send the form for the pictures if you like to get retakes or to place order .
- The milk program has started a new month and if you are interested please send the money tomorrow and I can fill out the form for you.
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