Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students were introduced to proper nouns and we completed a worksheet as a class.
Spelling: We read the new list words and put them in sentences during the writing class. Students need to complete page 64 at home.
Math: page 122-123. We explore the different shapes we can use to built towers.
Home connection: Have your child experiment by building tall towers out of blocks, small boxes, or other household objects.
Islamic Studies: We started to read about Prophet Mohamed(pbuh). What we should we say after we hear his name. Some of his qualities and manners and what city he live when he was a young boy..
We also sang a nasheed (Muhamma) .
- We started the milk program yesterday. If you are still interested in signing up for the milk program, you may do so.
- sign the science rubric that was sent home today and return it please.
-The weekly homework package was sent home today.
Have a great evening inshaa Allah!