Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,
We had a wonderful day today alhamdulilah!

Writing:  Today the students wrote what they would like to work on to perfect their prayers.

Reading log:  This weeks story is "Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee".  Please follow the instructions given in the reading log.

Science: We discussed  skills needed while students are given presentations.

Math: Students record subtraction stories as well as made up stories and showed their friends. page 93-94.
Home Connection: 
- Ask your child to tell subtraction stories about people in your family.  For example:  " there are 5 people at home.  When I go to school, there are 5 left.  6 take away 1 is 5."
-Have your child tell you the story he did in class. Ask:  " How did you think of that story?  How did you decide how many to take away?"

Art:  Students are making a place mat.Students are working on their food group collage. They cut out food from food flyers and put it under the correct food groups.


- Weekly homework was sent home today.

- Tomorrow is the last day to submit the Hot lunch form.

- Work on the project (Project is due next week inshaa Allah)

-Today students received a form for the Milk Program.

I hope you have a 

wonderful evening!