Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Math: home connection:
Page 84- Ask your child to tell you the dinosaur story on his page. Create another addition story together, using simple objects like buttons or paper clips.
Page 85-Tell story problems for your child to solve. For example: " There are 3 spoons on the table. We need 1 more. How many spoons do we need all together?" Say: "3 and 1 is 4."
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They completed a story in their Spelling notebooks using the list words. Sign spelling test.
The students did not do as well this week, make sure you practice the words with your child.
Library: Tr. Nancy will be discussing the three steps in the information seeking process. She will be modelling the "Plan and Do" parts, and she discussed the "Review" part with the students.
Gym: We played "People to People" and we walked and hopped on lines.
science: Students looked at a picture and as a class we discussed how do leaving thing help each other?
Reminders:Homework pack (due tomorrow)
Tomorrow is Toonie Tuesday.
Have a great evening inshaa Allah!