Thursday 1 November 2012

New math Unit

We have completed our unit on Data management and probability.
We will be working on adding and subtracting up to 12....
please follow up with your child to facilitate the learning progress.
Math: practise counting forward and backwards with with child 1-20.
Practise building combinations of 5.
Reading:  put together the booklet and have them read to you if you have enough time.  Please put your child's name of the book as they get misplaced easily.
I will be sending the blue homework folders tomorrow.
we collected $150 for the T.V.  Please don't forget to send your donations.
A parent requested that I place the wish list again so here it is.

  • colour paper for printing
  • treasure box items
  • listening center
  • job chart
  • Mr. clean magic erasers
  • dusters
  • broom
  • large clock
  • card stock paper
  • cash donations
  • T.V or taller T.V stand(we are presently collecting the money)
  • 2 sets of head phones
  • in for class printer (canon ip 2700)
  • shape chart
  • 7 sets of water paint tablets
  • fridge magnets
  • food for the class pet