Monday 12 November 2012

Morning Assemble

A message from our librarian, Teacher Nancy

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
Your child has or will come home with the book I've Lost My Cat. This book is for your child to keep.
For the twelfth consecutive year, TD Bank Group and the Canadian Children's Book Centre have come together to give each grade one student at our school a Canadian children's book. Enjoy!

Happy reading together!!

Nancy-Ann Brethour, Librarian
Math: page 89
Spelling: test tomorrow they need to print neatly
Science:bring a empty water bottle if you have not done so.  Tomorrow is the last day to bring one.
The students will be doing the morning assembly tomorrow.
Each child was given a card with a bucket filler act.
  Have your child read it and ensure they can read it on their own.