Thursday, 27 March 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Writing: Students wrote about their favourite place using the 5Ws+1. They drew a picture and coloured it.

Islamic Studies: We continued to learn how Allah(swt) loves kindness in every matter. We are focusing on this
 Healthy Habit:  Be kind to people, animals, plants, and other things.  Do not harm them.  Take care of them.

Math: Students counted by 10's  and 1's, to recognize how much faster it is to count by grouping.  Students looked on to a number chart and recognized different patterns they may find. They drew and grouped objects in groups of 10s, they also wrote any missing numbers on the number chart.  page 226-228

Home connection:  your child is learning about patterns in numbers.  Use a number chart to practise counting by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's.

  •  Pray
  •  Read a story.
  •  Work on your project.
  • Change your password in storybird.
 Tomorrow is spirit day!

 We will all be wearing something red in shaa Allah. Your child should wear a red shirt to school tomorrow if possible.  If they do not have a red shirt to wear they must wear their uniform. 

Have a wonderful evening!