Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. Masha Allah the students did great in their test this time. Jazakum Allah for taking the time to study with them during their break. Students worked in their spelling books lesson #24. Words with ou and ow. Please help your child to complete this lesson if they have not done so already. Most students still need to finish page 100.
Library: Students checked out books. Tr. Nancy helped us find books for our projects. Students took Read With Me forms # 4 and 5.
Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. Masha Allah the students did great in their test this time. Jazakum Allah for taking the time to study with them during their break. Students worked in their spelling books lesson #24. Words with ou and ow. Please help your child to complete this lesson if they have not done so already. Most students still need to finish page 100.
Library: Students checked out books. Tr. Nancy helped us find books for our projects. Students took Read With Me forms # 4 and 5.
Math: Students drew a symmetrical shape with their partner.

Gym: We played basketball and students raced each other.
Science: We joined 1A class today! Students looked at pictures in their Science books of how life was in the past and how it is now. We discussed some of the things we would do if there was a power failure. Students were asked to go home and write down or draw what they would do if there was a power failure today.
- Pray
- Pretend there is a power failure and write or draw what you would do on a piece of paper.
- Read and record your minutes.
- Inshaa Allah we will be going to the public library this Wednesday. If you have your child's library card, please send it to school along with an extra in which they can carry their library books.
- If you are able to volunteer please let me know.
- do not forget to send in your pre-registrations forms for next year.
- Class pictures went home today and a form from administration for the fund raising dinner.