Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Grade 1A joined our class today and we read " the Friend" together. We had an opportunity to hear from each others opinions and comments about the story. We finished comprehension questions based on the story.
Writing: Students sat on the carpet and we talked about what collaboration is. Students are asked to write sentences about how they can collaborate in the class.
Science: We learned more about the sources of energy. Students completed a worksheet where they cut and pasted pictures next to their sources of energy.
Quran: This week students are learning surat Al-Shams.
Islamic Studies: Students answered questions about Prophet Muhammed (SAW) in their I Love Islam workbooks.
- Sign your child's spelling quiz and do the proper corrections.
- This week I will be looking at students' behaviour with respect to Collaboration and I will be evaluating their performance.