Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read Max's Words. Students sat in groups and Sr. Madlien gave each group some words which they used to form sentences.
Writing: Students wrote sentences about some of the fun activities they do with their family members. They started drawing a picture of their family.

Math: We started our new unit about 2-D shapes, Math book pages 201 and 203. Please read page 202 with your child and sign it.

Home connection page 203.

Social Studies/Science: Today each group did thier presentations on the communities they made Insha Allah we will start our new unit on Energy. 

Art:  Students did some painting.  Special thanks to Sr. Fazia for coming to help out every art class,  May Allah reward her and her family.


  • Homework pack (due on Tuesday).  I did not send the homework folder, I will be sending it tomorrow Insha Allah
  •  Read a story encourage your child to read every night I have noticed that many students are becoming excellent readers while other are lacking some of the basic skills.  Students will be doing a lot more independent reading in the coming month.
  • Remind your child to always be organized.
  • Pray Maghrib and Isha with your child.
Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!