Friday, 28 February 2014

Classwork and Homework

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: We joined 1A and I read Round Is a Mooncake (A Book Of Shapes).  We discussed shapes and different types of communities.

Math: The Grade 1A joined us, we reviewed the parts of the clock.  I showed them how to make a clock using papers plates which they labelled and will be using during some of the lessons.

Science: We reviewed the types of energy and looked at a picture and described all the types of energy they used.

Language Arts:  We talked about some of the wonderful stories Sr. Madlien read to us for our story log and we watched a video about Max's Words and The Curious Garden.

Gym:  Students did a warm up exercise and we had several races.  We also played green light, red light.  The students had a blast and had plenty of exercises since they have been in doors for most of the week.


  • Pray
  • Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
  • Read the book Polar Bear.
  • Students have a spelling quiz on Monday. Don't forget to use Spelling City.
  • Make sure your child has the Read With Me form #2 on Monday.
  • If you have the MS read-a- thon forms please return them on Monday.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a busy day alhamdulilah!

Language Arts: Students wrote sentences using the 5w's in their journals.

Reading:  I read to them "Polar Bear, Polar Bear What Do You Hear?"
Students answered some questions and did a few exercises based on the story.

Math: Students took turns to show the different directions they may find a line of symmetry.  And we made a symmetrical figure using different symmetrical folds.

Science: 1A joined us and we talked about the different ways we use energy at home. Students looked at a picture of a house in their Science book and they discussed the different types of energy we use every day.

Art:  We finished our art pieces. We used 2D shapes and folding they symmetrically to create a 3D effect.                

  • Read a story and record it in your reading log.
  • Homework pack (due on Tuesday) the orange folder will be sent home tomorrow Insha Allah
  • If you would like your child to take part in the lunch program and you have not sent the money, please make sure you send it by Friday.
  • This week I will be looking at students' behaviour with respect to Collaboration and I will be evaluating their performance.

Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Grade 1A joined our class today and we read " the Friend" together.  We had an opportunity to hear from each others opinions and comments about the story.  We finished comprehension questions based on the story.

Writing: Students sat on the carpet and we talked about what collaboration is. Students are asked to write  sentences about how they can collaborate in the class.

Gym: We took turns to bounce the basket ball and throw it in the net.

Science: We learned more about the sources of energy. Students completed a worksheet where they cut and pasted pictures next to their sources of energy.

Quran: This week students are learning surat Al-Shams.

Islamic Studies: Students answered questions about Prophet Muhammed  (SAW) in their I Love Islam workbooks.


  • Sign your child's spelling quiz and do the proper corrections.
  • This week I will be looking at students' behaviour with respect to Collaboration and I will be evaluating their performance.