Today we have the parent teacher interview please make sure you come at the specified time. Unfortunately some parents will be delayed by 15 minutes due to the prayer.
- Home room teachers will be in the gym Insha Allah.
- Arabic Teacher will be in grade 1a.
-French and Quran teacher are in grade 3b.
-JK and SK interview will take place in their respective classes.
Writing: Students wrote sentences and drew pictures on postcards about library rules. I will be making a class book to give to the librarian On Monday Insha Allah.
Reading: I read a book the the class about different felling we sometimes have and discussed ways to deal with these felling.
Math: We did some mat Revision since many students are absent.
Homework: Math book page 116 and 117 (Home Connection). Please complete any incomplete work in the Math book.
Spelling: Test on Monday
-Library field trip on Monday please send in the form.
-Library field trip on Monday please send in the form.
- If your child has a public library card please send it along on Monday. The students will be able to check out books only if they have their library card. For those students that do not have a library card but sent the form to get a library card the librarian will give them out on Monday Insha Allah.