Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Homework and Classwork

Alsalamu alaikum,

Today we had a good day alhamdulilah.

Reading: The 1a joined us yesterday and watched a video about Bucket Filling. We read some of the ways we can fill our bucketsas well as how to care for each other's feelings.
Today we discuss what they will be doing for the reading program which will start next week Insha Allah.( more to follow once the program starts)

Writing:  Students wrote descriptive sentences.  
Reading: Read the story given in the homework package story.

Math: Math book page 113. 
The students learned how to read graphs.  please complete the question at the end of the page and do the home connection.  Students took their books home today make sure that they return them tomorrow.

Science: We  discusses the different habitats living things need and watched a related video. Yesterday students turned an oval into a face and labelled it (ears, eyes, nose, mouth and hair)

Art:  Students are making a book.

Arabic Speakers:
السلام عليكم :
الواجب المنزلي للغد الخميس 13/11 :
*حل تدريب (أفكك الكلمات الى مقاطع كما في المثال) و تدريب (أضيف ) ص 30 من الكتاب المرسل مع الطالب ، مع ضرورة اجادة الطالب قراءة المفردات في التدريبين . و الرجاء .. الرجاء ضرورة الحرص على اعادة الكتاب مع 
الطالب غدا الخميس للمدرسة  ،لحاجتنا اليومية له .

الواجب المنزلي للاسبوع القادم :
*التدريب على القراءة الصحيحة بصوت مرتفع للمقاطع و المفردات يوميا ، و الكتابة بخط جميل ، من الورقة المرسلة مع الطالب.

             Weekly homework was sent home today.  I noticed that a lot of students are not making their book.  I will start to mark the homework as incomplete if they are not put together properly.

Have a lovely evening inshaa Allah!

Math Problem of the Week! 
Write the answer on a separate piece of paper and write your child full name and grade.  I will put their answer in the draw box.