Saturday 16 November 2013

Homework and Classwork

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Writing: We have been  learning about nouns, verbs, prepositions and adjectives.

Math: Math book pages 114.  We did some graphing using fruit loop cereal, the students had a great time.

Islamic Studies:  Students are learning the five pillars of Islam.  We looked at the first pillar of Islam in more detail.

Art: We are making a book "All About Me".

Reading:  Read at least for ten minutes

- Please have your child use the Spelling City website to practice the list words for the next spelling test.. Test # 7 

Weekly homework is due Tuesday.  I noticed that the math page I included in the package has something on the back of it so you can not cut out the pictures, therefore let you child draw the hats if you are not able to make a copy.

-Insha Allah the report cards will be going home next week.


Have a great long weekend in shaa Allah!