Monday, 18 November 2013

Class work and homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Lesson 10, Words beginning and Ending with the letters w,c,r.  We reviewed the list words for this week and how to use them.
-Sign spelling test and do any corrections. 

Math: Workbook page 115.
Home Connection: Have your child created a list of things that always, sometimes and never happen at the library.  Let them bring the piece of paper tomorrow.

Science:  We are discussing habitats.

Reading:  Read a story.
-Please have your child use the Spelling City website to practice the list words for the next spelling test. Test#8  

-  I have noticed that some students are wearing black pants or skirts,  please make sure that your child follows the uniform dress code.
You may find the dress code policy in this link as well as other great resources.,com_jdownloads/Itemid,123/view,viewcategories/

                                                                            Class news!!!!
- As I had told the students that for every spelling test that 80% of the class gets a perfect score I will add a fish to the aquarium.  I did buy the aquarium this weekend Alhamdulillah but I do need your help please.  I still need to buy several things such as gravel a filter and most important the fish :). I wanted to know if you can either purchase a gift card to Pet Value or send a donation.  I will have the jar label spelling test fund jar. In which I will keep the donation for it.
-One other wish I have is to built on my "snack box". Students  sometimes forget their lunch bags and do not have a snack. I usually give the students something to eat from the "snack box" but the supplies I started with are now done.  I would I appreciate it if you can send non perishable snack for the class such as granola bars, gold fish crackers, individual cereal boxes and drinks etc...

- I soon let you know of other items the class needs Insha Allah.