Friday, 29 November 2013

Homework and Classwork

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students read the new list words in their spelling books. They wrote the missing letters to complete the list words. Students looked at pictures in their spelling books and wrote list words that have the same beginning sounds. They looked at pictures and wrote the list words that rhymed.

Reading: We read "Cookies" for the second time.   Students have been encourage to use the new vocabulary words as much as possible to express them selves during the day.

Math: Students took a Math worksheet and made a graph about Noah's Garden Flowers. Students also started the unit on Addition and Subtraction to 12.

Science: We talked more about living and non-living things. Students took a Science worksheet and wrote living and non-living things in the correct column .

Islamic Studies: We talk more about wudu and prayer. Students answered questions in their I Love Islam workbooks.

Homework: Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
                   Story Log (Cookies)
                   Read a story.
                   Study for spelling quiz on Monday.     

Hope you all have a lovely weekend! 

Tr. Nancy (Library)

Dear Parents, 
Assalamu Alaikum
Your child will be researching an animal very soon. For this reason, Teacher Jessica and I will be collaborating for this. I will be teaching grade 1B students three easy research steps that will help them in their animal discovery. In addition, I will be showing them how to cite their book.
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact by email or telephone.
Have a wonderful evening, inshaAllah.


Thursday, 28 November 2013

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Aalikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read them "Cookies". Sr. Madlien read this story last week and I read it to them twice. Students took a Story Response Log home. Your child will retell you the meaning of some of the words and you will write down the meaning of the word (the way your child tells you). Please include all the details your child says.  The reading log is to be handed in with the weekly homework please.

Writing:  The students wrote about our new class pet and he was given a name.

Spelling: We finished lesson number 11, words beginning with v, y, z, and qu. Students also went over the new spelling words.

You may help your child study the new spelling words.Test # 9

Islamic Studies:  Please practice making wudu and the proper steps for salah,  some students are still not taking prayer time seriously and have been asked to practice at home.

Quran:  Please make sure that you practice Surat Al-Shareh with your child. 

Homework: Please make sure that your child completes all the weekly homework including making the booklet given in the homework package.  If they do not make it, the homework will be marked incomplete. Make sure that they are able to read the booklet as well as the word family sheet.

Reminders:  Tomorrow is the last day to order mitten clips.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013


Alsalamu alaikum,

Alhamdulilah we had a lovely day today!

The grade 1a and 1b stayed together all day as there was no formal teaching due to the number of students that attended school today. 

The students had lots of fun!

The weekly homework will be sent home tomorrow Insha Allah.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Aalikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students review the vocabulary in the book Sr. Madeline read last week. 

Writing: Students wrote sentences about the class caterpillars.

Science: Students finished the worksheet they worked on yesterday which compared the needs of a human to the needs of a bear.

Spelling: The students are doing an amazing job in their spelling test.  I am so happy with the results. I'm sending a big Masha Allah to all you parents for helping them keep our aquarium colourful.  Here is our new friend.  If your child wants to give him a name they may do so by writing the name on a piece of paper and I will do a draw. 

You may help your child study the new spelling words.

Test # 9

Homework: The homework for tonight is to read this song which we will present tomorrow Insha Allah.

Well all right: all right!
Ok: OK!!
I'm glad I'm at school today.
Well all right: all right!
Ok: OK!!
I'm glad I'm at school today.
Well all right: all right!
Ok: OK!!
I'm glad I'm at school today.
Teacher, teacher, teacher I am ready to move--
Teacher give me skills to keep me in the groove.
Teacher, teacher, teacher I am ready to learn--
Teacher call on me, it must be my turn.
Teacher, teacher, teacher I am ready to grow--
Teacher can you see how much that I know?
Teacher, teacher, teacher I am ready to work--
Teacher honestly, it isn't a quirk.

 Please note that school will remain open during inclement weather conditions and will only close when OCDSB schools close due to inclement weather.

Quran:  Please make sure that you practice Surat Al-Shareh with your child. They will be tested next week. 

I hope you have a great evening!

Monday, 25 November 2013

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Aalikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students listen to a story at our field trip. 

Writing:  The librarian enjoyed receiving the book we made for her during our writing class on Friday.

Science: Students compared the needs of a human to the needs of a bear.

Spelling: The students are doing an amazing job in their spelling test.  I am so happy with the results. I'm sending a big Masha Allah to all you parents for helping them keep our aquarium colourful.  All the students look forward to seeing their new friend join them every week.
We took up a new lesson, words beginning with v, y, z, and qu. 

You may help your child study the new spelling words.

Test # 9

Homework: Please make sure that your child completes all the weekly homework including making the booklet given in the homework package.  If they do not make it, the homework will be marked incomplete. Make sure that they are able to read the booklet as well as the word family sheet.

Quran:  Please make sure that you practice Surat Al-Shareh with your child. They will be tested next week. 

Field Trip: We went to the public library, most students took books home please make sure that you return them to any public library. Books are due in three week time ( Dec 16th,2013). Parents who did not submit the forms for the library cards can e-mail me and I will send a form with their child ,so they may be able to borrow books next time we go Insha Allah.

I hope you have a great evening!

Friday, 22 November 2013

Parent Teacher Interviews/ Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we have the parent teacher interview please make sure you come at the specified time.  Unfortunately some parents will be delayed by 15 minutes due to the prayer. 

- Home room teachers will be in the gym Insha Allah.
- Arabic Teacher will be in grade 1a.
-French and Quran teacher are in grade 3b.
-JK and SK interview will take place in their respective classes.

Writing: Students wrote sentences and drew pictures on postcards about library rules. I will be making a class book to give to the librarian On Monday Insha Allah. 

Reading:  I read a book the the class about different felling we sometimes have and discussed ways to deal with these felling.

Math: We did some mat Revision since many students are absent.

Homework:  Math book page 116 and 117 (Home Connection).  Please complete any incomplete work in the Math book.

Spelling:  Test on Monday 

-Library field trip on Monday please send in the form.

-   If your child has a public library card please send it along on Monday.  The students will be able to check out books only if they have their library card.  For those students that do not have a library card but sent the form to get a library card the librarian will give them out on Monday Insha Allah.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Alhamdulilah we had a good day today!

Reading: Yesterday, Sr. Madlien read us "Cookies". Students completed a worksheet about the meaning of words with Sr. Madlien.

Writing: Students wrote and drew pictures about bullying.
We watched a video with the other grade 1 about  bullying and we talked about what to do when there is someone who is bullying us.

Math: Students showed the class the graphs they made at home.
worked on page 116-117.  Please complete page 117 at home and any other incomplete work.

Islamic Studies:  Students reviewed the 5 pillars of Islam and drew themselves performing each pillar.

Spelling: Students looked at pictures in their spelling books and wrote the list words that have the same beginning and end sounds.   All the students have completed lesson #10. 

Non-Arabic: Reading quiz next Tuesday Nov 26 with these words:
أنا - أقرأ - أكتب - ولد - بنت - رجل - امرأة - شمس - قمر

Arabic and non-Arabic:  both classes have homework.  Please make sure they complete it and return if on Tuesday in the homework package.


-Tomorrow is a half day. 
- Please sign and return the field trip form tomorrow.  If your child is not attending school tomorrow please send me an e-mail for confirmation and have them bring in the form on Monday Insha Allah.

                                                    - Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
                                                    - Read a story.

Urgent:  If you have an appointment to see me tomorrow after 4:30 we have moved all the appointments over 15 minutes to allow time for prayer.  Sorry for any inconvenience.

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Alsalamu Aalikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: We read "Sharing is Caring" and "Lucy and the Bully". 
Reading Program:  Students sat on the carpet and  Sr. Madlien read them a story and she gave them a worksheet to complete. In shaa Allah she will be coming to visit us every other week.

Writing:  Students have been learning a lot about bullying and today they wrote about it.

Science: We learned about different parts of our bodies and their importance.

Islamic Studies: We sang a nasheed about the Pillars of Islam.

Art:  Students finished their " All About Me"  book.

Homework:Students may start to work on their weekly homework.

Kindly note that students took their report cards home yesterday.

I hope you have a great evening!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Class work and homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Lesson 10, Words beginning and Ending with the letters w,c,r.  We reviewed the list words for this week and how to use them.
-Sign spelling test and do any corrections. 

Math: Workbook page 115.
Home Connection: Have your child created a list of things that always, sometimes and never happen at the library.  Let them bring the piece of paper tomorrow.

Science:  We are discussing habitats.

Reading:  Read a story.
-Please have your child use the Spelling City website to practice the list words for the next spelling test. Test#8  

-  I have noticed that some students are wearing black pants or skirts,  please make sure that your child follows the uniform dress code.
You may find the dress code policy in this link as well as other great resources.,com_jdownloads/Itemid,123/view,viewcategories/

                                                                            Class news!!!!
- As I had told the students that for every spelling test that 80% of the class gets a perfect score I will add a fish to the aquarium.  I did buy the aquarium this weekend Alhamdulillah but I do need your help please.  I still need to buy several things such as gravel a filter and most important the fish :). I wanted to know if you can either purchase a gift card to Pet Value or send a donation.  I will have the jar label spelling test fund jar. In which I will keep the donation for it.
-One other wish I have is to built on my "snack box". Students  sometimes forget their lunch bags and do not have a snack. I usually give the students something to eat from the "snack box" but the supplies I started with are now done.  I would I appreciate it if you can send non perishable snack for the class such as granola bars, gold fish crackers, individual cereal boxes and drinks etc...

- I soon let you know of other items the class needs Insha Allah.