Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Sr. Madlien read chapter 3 of My Father's Dragon and students completed a worksheet about the chapter.
Writing: We started to make Thank You Cards for some of the volunteers we have at school.
Math: Students made a bar graph about the ingredients we used in our Friendship Soup and they need to complete page 236 in their Math books for tomorrow.
Science: We watered our plants and drew what the result are for our experiment after two weeks.
Jasmin, Khadeejah and Layan presented their Country Projects. Masha'Allah they did a great job! Khadeejah had a very nice globe and wanted to have the students listen to Nigeria's national anthem but we ran out of time InshaAllah we can listen another day.
We went to the Book Fair! If your child did not have money they will have another chance on Friday.
Art: Students prepared pieces of recycle paper for their landscape art next week.
- Pray
- Homework pack will be sent tomorrow Insha Allah
- Read a story and write it on your reading log.
- Tomorrow Grade 6 is having a popcorn sale in shaa Allah. The price list is: $0.50, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00.
- Please make sure that you never borrow the book we are reading for the Story Response Log ("My Fathers's Dragon") or read it online. Even if your child was absent, please do not do so. The point of the Story Response Log is for the students to retell what they heard in class.