Thursday, 3 April 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Writing: 1A joined us today! We talked to both classes about storybird. We explained the assignment on the website and both classes created a riddle as a group and published it on storybird! Students watched a video about Stone Soup. We talked about the lessons we learned from the story. Students wrote about sharing and caring and drew a picture of themselves sharing.

Math: Math book pages 231 and 232. Students estimated objects and made groups of 10's and the number left over in each collection.

Home Connection:  Place 30 -50 small countable objects(macaroni, beans, paper clips) in a plastic bag.  Ask:  "How many objects are in the bag?"  Have your child count the objects by placing them in groups of 10's.

Islamic Studies:  we talked and read about what caring is.


  •  Pray
  •  Story Response Log: My Father's Dragon, Chapter one ( was due on Tuesday),  some students have not returned their reading log and chapter two will be due on Monday next week.
  • Homework pack (due on Tuesday)

Reading: This is the link for the book given in the homework package.


Youtube video:

Please make sure your child reads the story before he/she watches the video.

Extremely Important: 

If you have not sent the re-registration form for your child please do so to guaranty a spot for the next year. Dead line is tomorrow.  

Have a great evening in shaa Allah!