Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They read clues and wrote the correct list words in their spelling books. They also did some proofreading.
Library: Tr. Nancy read Put It Together.
Gym: We played basketball.
Science: Ziad and Mu'minah presented their projects and they did a great job masha'Allah!
Math: Students continue to group object in groups of ten.
Home Connection:
-Provide 20 to 60 small objects(e.g., macaroni, dried beans, paper clips) and help your child make groups of 10's and 1's. Ask: "How many 10's? How many 1"s? How many altogether?"
- Select a number between 0 and 30. Ask your child to draw that number of circles or squares. Help your child circle the groups of 10's; then make a 10's and 1's chart like the one done in class today.
- Pray
- Read a story and wrtie it on your reading log.
- Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
- If you did not hand in your response log for "My Father's Dragon" please make sure you send it in tomorrow.
- Do not forget to bring a bowl and a spoon to eat some of the Friendship soup tomorrow.
Book Fair is this Wednesday.
Visit this link for more information.