Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read My Father's Dragon, chapter 5 " My Father Meets Some Tigers". Students went back to their places and read quietly while some students read to me.
Computer: Students played different reading games using Starfall.
Gym: The students did a warm up and played with skipping ropes.
Math: We reviewed the different ways to add and subtract using a number line.
Science: Competed their booklet on the class experiment we were doing.
We went out to the park with 1A and we had a great time alhamdulilah!
Reminders: Pray
Story Response Log (Chapter 5)
Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
Finish the your book if you have not do and hand it in on Monday..
I hope you have a great weekend in shaa Allah!
Friday, 25 April 2014
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Alhamdulilah today we had a wonderful day!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon (Chapter Five). They went back to their places and completed a worksheet about the new chapter.
Spelling: Students need to make corrections and get their spelling test sign.
Writing: Students finished writing about helping the earth and they drew a picture of themselves being green.
Math: We learned how to subtract using a number line. They completed part of a worksheet about subtraction using number lines. Please complete the other sign and return tomorrow.
Science: We are almost finished our experiment about sunlight. Students answered some of the questions about the importance of sunlight in their experiment booklets and they will be designing the cover of the booklet.
Art: We started to put together our recycle art pieces. They look great Masha Allah!
Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
Work on the assignment on storybird.
Hope you have a wonderful evening inshaa Allah!
Alhamdulilah today we had a wonderful day!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon (Chapter Five). They went back to their places and completed a worksheet about the new chapter.
Spelling: Students need to make corrections and get their spelling test sign.
Writing: Students finished writing about helping the earth and they drew a picture of themselves being green.
Math: We learned how to subtract using a number line. They completed part of a worksheet about subtraction using number lines. Please complete the other sign and return tomorrow.
Science: We are almost finished our experiment about sunlight. Students answered some of the questions about the importance of sunlight in their experiment booklets and they will be designing the cover of the booklet.
Art: We started to put together our recycle art pieces. They look great Masha Allah!
Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
Work on the assignment on storybird.
Hope you have a wonderful evening inshaa Allah!
Wednesday, 16 April 2014
classwork and homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon, chapter four. They went back to their places and answered questions about the chapter as a class.
Math: We practice using a number line! Students are to complete one section of the given homework sheet, not included in the homework package.
Social Studies: Alima, Lamar and Hamzah presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a wonderful job!
Art: students painted their background for their art project.
We went to the gym and attended the Talent Show! Masha'Allah it was great!
Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
New assignment on storybird (due on 4/30/2014), it will be posted tomorrow insha Allah
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon, chapter four. They went back to their places and answered questions about the chapter as a class.
Math: We practice using a number line! Students are to complete one section of the given homework sheet, not included in the homework package.
Social Studies: Alima, Lamar and Hamzah presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a wonderful job!
Art: students painted their background for their art project.
We went to the gym and attended the Talent Show! Masha'Allah it was great!
Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
New assignment on storybird (due on 4/30/2014), it will be posted tomorrow insha Allah
- Please make sure that you never borrow the book we are reading for the Story Response Log or read it online. Even if your child was absent, please do not do so. The point of the Story Response Log is for the students to retell what they heard in class.
- Please parents it is important that you do not read the book at home.
- The purpose of this exercise is to enhance the student ability to focus in class and their comprehension skills.
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students finished their cards!!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read Library Mouse. We talked about how we can all be authors. Students learned that they will each be making a picture book to share with the class!
Gym: We played Roll and Throw!
Social Studies: Maya, Sarah and Mohamed presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a great job! We had some ice cream and Norwegian cheese!
Homework: Pray
Read a story.
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students finished their cards!!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read Library Mouse. We talked about how we can all be authors. Students learned that they will each be making a picture book to share with the class!
Gym: We played Roll and Throw!
Social Studies: Maya, Sarah and Mohamed presented their projects and masha'Allah they did a great job! We had some ice cream and Norwegian cheese!
Homework: Pray
Read a story.
Monday, 14 April 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikium,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They put list words in the correct groups and they wrote rhyming words.
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, The Big Hungry Bear. The students answered some reading comprehension questions.

Gym: we did a warm up and played duck, duck, goose.
Science: We watered our plants and students drew the plant that has been getting sunlight and the one that has been in the dark after three weeks.
Ayaan, Shaymaa and Huzafa presented their project and did a great job masha Allah!
A big thank you to Lamar for sharing with the class.
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They put list words in the correct groups and they wrote rhyming words.
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, The Big Hungry Bear. The students answered some reading comprehension questions.
Gym: we did a warm up and played duck, duck, goose.
Science: We watered our plants and students drew the plant that has been getting sunlight and the one that has been in the dark after three weeks.
Ayaan, Shaymaa and Huzafa presented their project and did a great job masha Allah!
A big thank you to Lamar for sharing with the class.
- Pray
- Read a story. Read With me logs will go home tomorrow as Tr. Nancy is still working on the scholastics book fair.
- Sign spelling test.
- Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
- Hand in Reading response log for chapter three.
Friday, 11 April 2014
Classwork and Homework
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read My Father's Dragon, Chapter three "My Father Finds the Island".
Computer: Students visited the computer lab and worked alone or with a friend on their riddles or their own stories. Please do see some of the other students work Masha Allah they are doing great. We will be learning how to edit next week.
Gym: Students did a warm up follow up by some exercise. We worked on our motor skill.
Math: Students took turns to complete number sentences on the board and they completed a worksheet as a class where we completed number sentences using number lines.
Social Studies: Mariam E, Yahya and Hana presented her project and masha'Allah she did a great job!
Islamic Studies: We talked about Ithaar. We read stories about Ithaar in our I Love Islam text books. We also did a worksheet about obeying our parents.
- Pray
- Homework Pack (due on Tuesday)
- Story Response Log (My Father's Dragon, Chapter 3)
Important Send Tr. Nancy an E-mail, so she can send you your child's username and password for bookflix. Tr. Nancy will also send you the link inshaa Allah and instructions on how to login.
Have a wonderful weekend inshaa Allah!
Thursday, 10 April 2014
Homework and Classwork
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students are almost finished making their Thank You Cards for our volunteers.
We did a descriptive worksheet on popcorn and the students did great masha Allah coming up with adjective to describe popcorn.
Math: Math page 236. We are working on subtraction where we filled the missing numbers to complete number sentences. We will continue to practice a more as students need a lot more help insha Allah.
Social Studies: Hamed and Mehran presented their projects. Masha'Allah
Spelling: Students took their spelling book and need to complete page 112 in their workbook.
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students are almost finished making their Thank You Cards for our volunteers.
We did a descriptive worksheet on popcorn and the students did great masha Allah coming up with adjective to describe popcorn.
Math: Math page 236. We are working on subtraction where we filled the missing numbers to complete number sentences. We will continue to practice a more as students need a lot more help insha Allah.
Social Studies: Hamed and Mehran presented their projects. Masha'Allah
Spelling: Students took their spelling book and need to complete page 112 in their workbook.
- Pray
- Read a story write it in your reading log.
- Tr. Nancy has been very busy with the book fair and unable to get to all the students reading log sheet. If you can kindly write the log on a separate piece of paper mark it log #8 and write the days of the week she would appreciate it.
- Inshaa Allah tomorrow the book fair is open again in case your child did not have a chance to go the first time..
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Classwork and Homework

Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Sr. Madlien read chapter 3 of My Father's Dragon and students completed a worksheet about the chapter.
Writing: We started to make Thank You Cards for some of the volunteers we have at school.
Math: Students made a bar graph about the ingredients we used in our Friendship Soup and they need to complete page 236 in their Math books for tomorrow.
Science: We watered our plants and drew what the result are for our experiment after two weeks.
Jasmin, Khadeejah and Layan presented their Country Projects. Masha'Allah they did a great job! Khadeejah had a very nice globe and wanted to have the students listen to Nigeria's national anthem but we ran out of time InshaAllah we can listen another day.
We went to the Book Fair! If your child did not have money they will have another chance on Friday.
Art: Students prepared pieces of recycle paper for their landscape art next week.
- Pray
- Homework pack will be sent tomorrow Insha Allah
- Read a story and write it on your reading log.
- Tomorrow Grade 6 is having a popcorn sale in shaa Allah. The price list is: $0.50, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00.
- Please make sure that you never borrow the book we are reading for the Story Response Log ("My Fathers's Dragon") or read it online. Even if your child was absent, please do not do so. The point of the Story Response Log is for the students to retell what they heard in class.
Tuesday, 8 April 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Writing: we reviewed how to write a super sentence.
Reading: students read independently while I continue to test other of their classmates.
Friendship Soup: Students went to the kitchen and we made friendship soup with Tr. Heba. The soup was so good mashaAllah! We had it for lunch today! Thank you so much Tr. Heba :) I would also like to thank our volunteer, Sr. Hellay, Sultan's mother (1a) :)
Science: Ibrahim and Ibraheem presented their projects. Masha'Allah they did a great job!
Islamic Studies: Students answered questions about kindness in their I Love Islam workbooks.
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Writing: we reviewed how to write a super sentence.
Reading: students read independently while I continue to test other of their classmates.
Friendship Soup: Students went to the kitchen and we made friendship soup with Tr. Heba. The soup was so good mashaAllah! We had it for lunch today! Thank you so much Tr. Heba :) I would also like to thank our volunteer, Sr. Hellay, Sultan's mother (1a) :)
Science: Ibrahim and Ibraheem presented their projects. Masha'Allah they did a great job!
Islamic Studies: Students answered questions about kindness in their I Love Islam workbooks.
- Pray
- Read a story.
- Today students took the Read With Me form # 8.
- The Book Fair is tomorrow in shaa Allah. Visit this link for more information:
Monday, 7 April 2014
Classwork and Homework
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. They read clues and wrote the correct list words in their spelling books. They also did some proofreading.
Library: Tr. Nancy read Put It Together.
Gym: We played basketball.
Science: Ziad and Mu'minah presented their projects and they did a great job masha'Allah!
Math: Students continue to group object in groups of ten.
Home Connection:
-Provide 20 to 60 small objects(e.g., macaroni, dried beans, paper clips) and help your child make groups of 10's and 1's. Ask: "How many 10's? How many 1"s? How many altogether?"
- Select a number between 0 and 30. Ask your child to draw that number of circles or squares. Help your child circle the groups of 10's; then make a 10's and 1's chart like the one done in class today.
- Pray
- Read a story and wrtie it on your reading log.
- Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
- If you did not hand in your response log for "My Father's Dragon" please make sure you send it in tomorrow.
- Do not forget to bring a bowl and a spoon to eat some of the Friendship soup tomorrow.
Book Fair is this Wednesday.
Visit this link for more information.
Friday, 4 April 2014
Classwork and Homework

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Computer: We talked about storybird. I explained the assignment on the website and students stated to make up their own riddles. Insha Allah in the next coming weeks they will be practising logging on. They did an amazing job today. Masha Allah!! to all the students. Do take a look at the other s students work when you have a chance.
Math: Math book page 233. Please practice making trains of 10's. We did this today and some students had trouble lining item in rows. More practice needed.
Home Connection: Save egg cartons and cut off two sections so there are 10 sections in each carton. Collect small objects and use the egg cartons to practise counting (e.g., 3 cartons full and 2 left over: 10, 20, 30, 31, 32.)
Science: I am still working on Energy I still did not finish testing all the students.
Science: I am still working on Energy I still did not finish testing all the students.
Islamic Studies: We discussed what "Ithaar" and " Al-Kawthar" are. Students will be practising Ithaar in the coming weeks this way they will develop the habit of giving.
- Pray
- Math book pages 233 (Home Connection)
- Story Response Log:
- My Father's Dragon, Chapter two " My Father Runs Away" (due on Monday)
- Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
- Reading: This is the link for the book report:
- Youtube video:
- Please make sure your child reads the story before he/she watches the video.
Have a great weekend inshaa Allah!
Thursday, 3 April 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Writing: 1A joined us today! We talked to both classes about storybird. We explained the assignment on the website and both classes created a riddle as a group and published it on storybird! Students watched a video about Stone Soup. We talked about the lessons we learned from the story. Students wrote about sharing and caring and drew a picture of themselves sharing.
Math: Math book pages 231 and 232. Students estimated objects and made groups of 10's and the number left over in each collection.
Home Connection: Place 30 -50 small countable objects(macaroni, beans, paper clips) in a plastic bag. Ask: "How many objects are in the bag?" Have your child count the objects by placing them in groups of 10's.
Islamic Studies: we talked and read about what caring is.
Reading: This is the link for the book given in the homework package.
Youtube video:
Please make sure your child reads the story before he/she watches the video.
Extremely Important:
If you have not sent the re-registration form for your child please do so to guaranty a spot for the next year. Dead line is tomorrow.
Have a great evening in shaa Allah!
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Writing: 1A joined us today! We talked to both classes about storybird. We explained the assignment on the website and both classes created a riddle as a group and published it on storybird! Students watched a video about Stone Soup. We talked about the lessons we learned from the story. Students wrote about sharing and caring and drew a picture of themselves sharing.
Math: Math book pages 231 and 232. Students estimated objects and made groups of 10's and the number left over in each collection.
Home Connection: Place 30 -50 small countable objects(macaroni, beans, paper clips) in a plastic bag. Ask: "How many objects are in the bag?" Have your child count the objects by placing them in groups of 10's.
Islamic Studies: we talked and read about what caring is.
- Pray
- Story Response Log: My Father's Dragon, Chapter one ( was due on Tuesday), some students have not returned their reading log and chapter two will be due on Monday next week.
- Homework pack (due on Tuesday)
Reading: This is the link for the book given in the homework package.
Youtube video:
Please make sure your child reads the story before he/she watches the video.
Extremely Important:
If you have not sent the re-registration form for your child please do so to guaranty a spot for the next year. Dead line is tomorrow.
Have a great evening in shaa Allah!
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Classwork and Homework

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madline read the second chapter of My Father's Dragon.
They went back to their places and read quietly while some students worked on a work sheet.
Writing: Students read some riddles.
Math: Math book page 230 students did the first part together please complete the rest for tomorrow.
Science: We watched a video about food chains and the importance of the sun as a source of energy.
Art: Students were given pieces of construction paper and they cut vegetables that they would be adding to their soup.
Response log: Chapter one. Please make sure that your child retell you the first chapter for tomorrow.
- Pray
- Math: Complete page 230 and do the Home Connection
- Read a story.
- Create a riddle on storybird (due on 15/4/2014)
- Students will took their Homework I will hand in the marked work tomorrow.
- Please send an extra pair of socks to school with your child every day because it is very wet outside.
- Click on “do this assignment”
- Choose a picture
- Click on “Use this Art” and choose “picture book”
- Create a riddle (your riddle should be four pages. Each page should have one picture and one sentence)
Tuesday, 1 April 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Reading/ Writing: 1a joined us today for reading and Tr. Heba, Mariam's mother(from1a), started the lesson by talking to the class about riddles. Students said riddles about different types of fruit. We watched Stone Soup and Tr. Heba asked them questions about the story.
Later Tr. Heba showed the class how to create riddles about vegetables. Students created their own riddles! They all enjoyed the lesson very much!
Science: Students took up a worksheet about how there are different ways we use energy.
Gym: We played Giant Soup and a warm up.
Islamic Studies: Students took turns to share the acts of kindness. We learned more about the manners of a Muslim. We did a worksheet about good Muslim manners in our" I Love Islam" work books.
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Reading/ Writing: 1a joined us today for reading and Tr. Heba, Mariam's mother(from1a), started the lesson by talking to the class about riddles. Students said riddles about different types of fruit. We watched Stone Soup and Tr. Heba asked them questions about the story.
Later Tr. Heba showed the class how to create riddles about vegetables. Students created their own riddles! They all enjoyed the lesson very much!
Science: Students took up a worksheet about how there are different ways we use energy.
Gym: We played Giant Soup and a warm up.
Islamic Studies: Students took turns to share the acts of kindness. We learned more about the manners of a Muslim. We did a worksheet about good Muslim manners in our" I Love Islam" work books.
- Pray
- Read a story and write it in you log.
- Do not forget to send in your registration form for next year.
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