All the students should be reading every day at least for at least 10 minutes.
Writing: We are learning to write " super sentences". Encourage your child to write descriptive sentences.
Spelling: Students are learning to identify beginning and ending sounds and the corresponding letter.
Math: Page 36 and 37 home connection.
Science: We have started talking about "Living Things"
Non Arabic: Tr. Sahar read a story based on a hadith " a man who gave water to a dog". Please draw a picture and write 5 corresponding words in Arabic you may use Google translate.
Quran: I wanted to remind you that not many students have registered for the Quran competition if you have not done so please do encourage your child to try. So far we only have two children. I can see from sitting in the Quran class that many of the students are capable and should be encourage to give it a TRY. Remind them that just by trying they are winners and the rewards they receive by learning the words of Allah(swt). You may send me an e-mail or a note if you are interested in having your child take part in this wonderful event.
Teacher Sahar would like you to know that students have finished all of Surah al-Qadar. They will be tested on Monday Insha Allah.