Reading: students should be working on the booklet they made yesterday and start reading it by tomorrow.
Writing: please complete letter m and number 8 in the blue duo tang. Once they finish printing all the letters of the alphabet I need your help in making sure that they continue to print properly when completing their homework Insha Allah.
When students are completing their homework I expect neat clear printing and it must be done in pencil. Do not let your child complete their work in pen or crayon as they cant erase properly.
I just realized that the students forgot their math books at school. the home connection portion today is to Page 23- play " I Spy," giving the number as a clue: " I spy, with my little eye, something that has four legs." Your child might guess" table" or " chair". Switch roles.
Page 24- Together, discuss the page which was to draw a number of items and write the numeral and number word. Ask your child to repeat the activity by choosing another number.