Friday, 11 March 2016

March Break/ updates

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Inshaa Allah. 

We've had a wonderful week alhamdulillah! 

For the March Break, students are asked to read as often as they can. The first day back is Monday, March 21st.

Islamic Studies: 
We are learning about special cities and mosques to Muslims.

Math:   We have been working on 2D Measurements and Geometry.  We have completed from page  95 to 104.

Spelling:  Students will not be having a spelling test after the March Break.  Work on lesson 17 page 69-72.

Reading: Do not forget to use raz kids at home.  I have reset all the students passwords.  Each student was given their new password on Thursday you will find them in the back of their agenda in the plastic slip.

Science:  We learning about material and structures.

Social studiesWe are don for now.

Writing:  We are practising making simple sentences and sounding out words.Have your child practice writing using the 5w's

Quran: Surah Al-Layl Ayah 11-16

Art:  students have finished their painting insha Allah they will be bringing them after the March Break.

French: ·   Play rehearsal – introduction of the play Ou est mon chien ?
·  Introduction of the first IPG activity – colouring the puppets.
·  Simple questions based on the story – les questions totals.
·   Itroduction of the characters -  Marie – Suzanne – Policier – chef Robert – Madame Tremblay – chien Minuit - Pico la chienne.
·   We did the following activities related to the story :
1- Qu’est ce qui se passe ? ( students should draw a line that identifies the picture as it corresponds to the sentence, using basic vocabulary and very simple language structure and copy the sentence on the line. )
2-  Fais un dessin :  students should read and respond briefly to the written material ( draw a picture)
·   Student will have a speeling test on March 23, 2016.
Please encourage your child to read the story I sent you and practice with him/her the vocabulary.


* I would like to remind you that students need to come in proper uniform.  Now that the weather is getting warmer outside your child may need to wear a sweater or a light jacket to school.  If you can send splash pants and rain books that would be wonderful.  I am also requestion that your child keeps an extra pair of socks in their school bag.

* I will given extra dojo points to any student that draws a symmetrical picture. They have to draw it, colour it and write down what shapes they use to make it..  

* Student sneakers were kept at the school for the break. Sleep in when you can! Hope everyone has a great break!

*  Do not forget to sign and return the field trip form and hot lunch form.