Dear Parents,
I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Inshaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Computer Class : some students had the option to work on Raz-kids or on other educational games.
Guided Reading: Tr. Naaz joined us and we did some guided reading. Masha'Allah the students are really enjoying our guided reading classes!
Math: We wrapped up the unit and started on our new unit"linear measurement and Area". Please read and sign page 182.
Guided Reading: Tr. Naaz joined us and we did some guided reading. Masha'Allah the students are really enjoying our guided reading classes!
Math: We wrapped up the unit and started on our new unit"linear measurement and Area". Please read and sign page 182.
Quran: We Will be having a test on Surah Al-Layl on Monday April-13-15

If you are interested in ordering from Scholastics please send your form by Monday the latest.
Weekly homework is due on Monday. Please make sure that your child completes chapter one of "My Fathers Dragon".
Please make sure that you send proper clothing for your child. If you can please purchase a pair of plash pants protect their uniform from getting dirty.

If you are interested in ordering from Scholastics please send your form by Monday the latest.
Weekly homework is due on Monday. Please make sure that your child completes chapter one of "My Fathers Dragon".
Please make sure that you send proper clothing for your child. If you can please purchase a pair of plash pants protect their uniform from getting dirty.