Thursday 2 April 2015

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Inshaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!  It was very nice to see all the students ready to learn.

Writing:  students finished working on their first rough draft for their book.  We will continue to work on this project for the next few weeks insha Allah.

Spelling: students are learning words with the S blend.

Math:  Students are learning about money please practice the coin values with your child.  They worked on page 57 today.  Please do the home connection portion at home.

Quran: Please practice Surah Al-layl Ayah 15 to 18.

Social Studies:  Students worked on their community. 


  • Homework was sent home on Tuesday. For the oral presentations all the students were given a country which they need to research.
  • The students will have their weekly spelling test on Tuesday insha Allah.
  • Dress for the weather and speak to your child about not taking their jackets off outside or getting into the puddles of mud.
  • Toonie Tuesday will be April 7th Insha Allah.

                   Have a great long weekend Insha Allah.