Thursday, 29 May 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read " Eager Eddy".  We discussed way to use our energy.

Math: Math book pages 260 and 262. Students took their workbook home.  Please do the Home connection section.

Science: Today we went out to the park with 1A and Tr. Hoda and I talked to the students about our 5 senses. We chose structures and talked about the way they look, feel, smell..etc. Each student chose a partner and they chose an object together. They described the smell, look, sound..etc

Students  completed a worksheet about structures and the materials used to make the structures.

Today  1A Joined us and we sang a lovely song together that we will be singing in the assembly on Monday together in shaa Allah!

  Reminders : 

  • Pray
  • Read a story.
  • Tomorrow there will be a popcorn sale at school inshaa Allah! Price is $1:50.
  • I sent home some of the students work and the homework package.

Have a great evening inshaa Allah!