Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students joined 1A and Tr. Hoda read My Fathers Dragon. Please complete response log.
Health: Students learned that cleaning products can be dangerous if not used properly as well as medicine. Students watched a move that talked more about effects of using medicine the wrong way.
Math: Students learned about patterns.
Science: Today we went out to the park with 1A and Tr. Hoda spoke to the class about using their senses. They had and opportunity to use their 5 senses while eating their chocolate cover apple.
Reminders: - Pray
- Read a story.
- Study the song we will sing in the assembly on Monday InshaAllah
- Work on your weekly homework and study for the spelling test.
Have a great weekend inshaa Allah!
Friday, 30 May 2014
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read " Eager Eddy". We discussed way to use our energy.
Math: Math book pages 260 and 262. Students took their workbook home. Please do the Home connection section.
Science: Today we went out to the park with 1A and Tr. Hoda and I talked to the students about our 5 senses. We chose structures and talked about the way they look, feel, smell..etc. Each student chose a partner and they chose an object together. They described the smell, look, sound..etc
Students completed a worksheet about structures and the materials used to make the structures.
Today 1A Joined us and we sang a lovely song together that we will be singing in the assembly on Monday together in shaa Allah!
Reminders :
Have a great evening inshaa Allah!
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read " Eager Eddy". We discussed way to use our energy.
Math: Math book pages 260 and 262. Students took their workbook home. Please do the Home connection section.
Science: Today we went out to the park with 1A and Tr. Hoda and I talked to the students about our 5 senses. We chose structures and talked about the way they look, feel, smell..etc. Each student chose a partner and they chose an object together. They described the smell, look, sound..etc
Students completed a worksheet about structures and the materials used to make the structures.
Today 1A Joined us and we sang a lovely song together that we will be singing in the assembly on Monday together in shaa Allah!
Reminders :
- Pray
- Read a story.
- Tomorrow there will be a popcorn sale at school inshaa Allah! Price is $1:50.
- I sent home some of the students work and the homework package.
Have a great evening inshaa Allah!
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
Classwork and Homework

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Each student chose an animal and wrote a riddle about the chosen animal. When finish they had time to sit at the carpet and share what they wrote with the class.
Math: Math book page 258-259. Students solved word problems.
Home connection: Have your child explain the solution to the problem. Ask:" How did you know the number of scoops needed to fill 6 pails?
Science: Students did a work sheet identifying three basic material objects are made with (metal, plastic and wood). Look around your home and discuss the different materials some things are made with.
Reminders: Pray
Read a story.
Homework will be sent home tomorrow. Due to the Town Hall meeting I was not in the class to see that they had their homework folder with them.
Thank you so much to all the parents and students that returned all their books on time. Masha Allah I will be giving the students a cool treat Insha Allah.
Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Pottery Workshop: We had the pottery workshop in the gym today and students made dinosaurs, owls and cats. Masha'Allah they did an amazing job! We had so much fun!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read to them “The Tiny Seed”. Afterwards we went outside and I told them word problems and the students wrote number sentences and solve the problem students also took turn telling their word problem and having their friend solve them.
Science: We started our unit on Structures. We went to the park and students looked at different structures around the community. I talked to both classes about structures and the different materials structures are made of.
Masha Allah Maya's mother brought a cool treat for us to share. Jza for thinking of us.
Reminders: Pray
Read a story.
If your child has not returned his or her library books, please make sure it is returned tomorrow.
Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Pottery Workshop: We had the pottery workshop in the gym today and students made dinosaurs, owls and cats. Masha'Allah they did an amazing job! We had so much fun!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read to them “The Tiny Seed”. Afterwards we went outside and I told them word problems and the students wrote number sentences and solve the problem students also took turn telling their word problem and having their friend solve them.
Science: We started our unit on Structures. We went to the park and students looked at different structures around the community. I talked to both classes about structures and the different materials structures are made of.
Masha Allah Maya's mother brought a cool treat for us to share. Jza for thinking of us.
Reminders: Pray
Read a story.
If your child has not returned his or her library books, please make sure it is returned tomorrow.
Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!
Monday, 26 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Today I dictated 20 random words to see if they students were able to sound them out or if they recalled them from previous lessons. Masha Allah they did great I was very pleased with the results.
Students also completed lesson 32. Words with th and wh.
Math: Students sat on the carpet and they took turns to solve word problems about capacity on the board.
Library: Tr. Nancy gave the students who have not returned their books OVERDUE slips. If your child has not returned his or her Library books, please make sure that your child returns the books before May 30th.
Gym: We went for a nature walk around the school. Masha Allah the students listen and followed all the instructions.
Today we had Freezies and we played in the public park to celebrate winning second place in the Food Drive!
Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Today I dictated 20 random words to see if they students were able to sound them out or if they recalled them from previous lessons. Masha Allah they did great I was very pleased with the results.
Students also completed lesson 32. Words with th and wh.
Math: Students sat on the carpet and they took turns to solve word problems about capacity on the board.
Library: Tr. Nancy gave the students who have not returned their books OVERDUE slips. If your child has not returned his or her Library books, please make sure that your child returns the books before May 30th.
Gym: We went for a nature walk around the school. Masha Allah the students listen and followed all the instructions.
Today we had Freezies and we played in the public park to celebrate winning second place in the Food Drive!
- Pray
- Read a story.
- In shaa Allah tomorrow we will be going to the gym from 11:00 am to 12:30 am for a workshop on pottery!
- We have a competition with the grade 1a's. The first class to return all their library books to Tr. Nancy will win and receive a treat. Please help our class win by reminding your child to return their book if they received a notice today.
Have a lovely evening in shaa Allah!
Friday, 23 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Asalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamduilah!
Funky Glasses: Today we made funky glasses and the students wore them all day! They had a great time making them Masha Allah. The students were very creative!!!
Reading: 1A joined us and I read "My father's Dragon", chapter 7.
Math: Math book pages 257. Please do math Connection..
Science: We watched a video and we talked about the day time it was and seasons and how do they know this.
Islamic Studies: We played a manners game.
Story Response Log (Chapter 7)
Today we won second place in the food drive! Masha'Allah 1B brought 113 items for the food bank! In shaa Allah we will celebrate on Monday!
Jazakum muAllah for all you generous contributions may Allah Reward all the families that helped out with this great cause.
Today we had a wonderful day alhamduilah!
Funky Glasses: Today we made funky glasses and the students wore them all day! They had a great time making them Masha Allah. The students were very creative!!!
Reading: 1A joined us and I read "My father's Dragon", chapter 7.
Math: Math book pages 257. Please do math Connection..
Science: We watched a video and we talked about the day time it was and seasons and how do they know this.
Islamic Studies: We played a manners game.
Story Response Log (Chapter 7)
Today we won second place in the food drive! Masha'Allah 1B brought 113 items for the food bank! In shaa Allah we will celebrate on Monday!
Jazakum muAllah for all you generous contributions may Allah Reward all the families that helped out with this great cause.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Classwork and Homework

Today we had a great day alhamduilah!
Writing: Students wrote sentences about day and night.
Math: Math book pages 253, 254 and 255. Read page 252 with your child and sign.
Science: Students completed a worksheet about days and seasons.
Reminders: Pray
Read a story.
Masha'Allah our class is competing with the grade 1A class to collect the most food items for the Food Bank!! Please send more food items tomorrow for our box.
I spoke to the class about the importance of sharing and caring for other people who are in need.
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a great day alhamduilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon, Chapter Seven. Students went back to their places and completed a worksheet about the chapter.
Writing: Students sat on the carpet learned what food drives are. Students wrote about the importance of collecting for the food drive.
Math: Students answered word problems involving addition and subtraction. We read the introduction to our new unit, Mass and Capacity tomorrow Insha Allah.
Science: We talked about the difference between day and night. Students looked at pictures in their Science books and they talked about the different activities we do in the day and night as well as different activities one can do in the different seasons.
Art: We made a salt dough art. Keepsake hand print.
Reminders: Pray
Read a story.
There will be no homework this week.
Do not forget!!! Send your child with non perishable food tomorrow and Friday please.
Have a wonderful evening!
Today we had a great day alhamduilah!
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon, Chapter Seven. Students went back to their places and completed a worksheet about the chapter.
Writing: Students sat on the carpet learned what food drives are. Students wrote about the importance of collecting for the food drive.
Math: Students answered word problems involving addition and subtraction. We read the introduction to our new unit, Mass and Capacity tomorrow Insha Allah.
Science: We talked about the difference between day and night. Students looked at pictures in their Science books and they talked about the different activities we do in the day and night as well as different activities one can do in the different seasons.
Art: We made a salt dough art. Keepsake hand print.
Reminders: Pray
Read a story.
There will be no homework this week.
Do not forget!!! Send your child with non perishable food tomorrow and Friday please.
Have a wonderful evening!
Tr. Nancy (please Return Library Books)
Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum
It just seems like yesterday when we were all getting ready to greet the students on the first day of school. Now, June is just around the corner. Time has flown by, subhanAllah!
Please take note that the school library will be closing its student services starting Monday, June 2, 2014. For this reason, we would ask that all the students bring back their library book(s) no later than Friday, May 30, 2014. Please remind your child to bring his or her library book(s) before the deadline.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
Have a wonderful day, inshaAllah.
Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alslamau Alaikum,
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: We had our weekly spelling test. Students had to write a sentence as a bonus.
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: We had our weekly spelling test. Students had to write a sentence as a bonus.
Writing: Students sat on the carpet and I read "Quick as a Cricket”. The students had a chance to describe themselves.
Science: We started our new unit about Seasons. Today students wrote sentences about each of the seasons and drew pictures.
Science: We started our new unit about Seasons. Today students wrote sentences about each of the seasons and drew pictures.
Islamic Studies: Students recited the dua's to me. Some practice is still needed please make sure you continue to practice at home.
- Pray
- Read every day
- Tomorrow, Wednesday, May 21, Insha'Allah, we will have`` The Toys Sale`` for the SK graduation.
Please remind the students to bring money for the Toys Sale. The prices will range from 50 cents to $5.00.
Assalam alaikoum Dear parents,
I hope my email finds you in a good health and Iman,
you find below what we did in the French class .
1- We did the following activities related to story ( ou est mon chien? )
- Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
- Fais un dessin
- Choisis le bon.
-Les questions totales.
2- We introduced a new vocabulary related to story :
je vais
3- Viewing the play on DVD
4- student learned the song: pauvre petit chat .
5- play rehearsal with the Grand Livre and gestures .
French Teacher
Jazakoum Allah khairan
Wednesday, 14 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a fabulous day alhamdulilah!
Today was Community Day! We had lovely guests today who taught us so much about their fields. We got to meet a Physician, Firefighter, Police Officer, Humane Society Workers and an Artist. Students also got some great gifts from our guests!
Science: We learned why we have season.
Have a wonderful evening inshaa Allah!
Today we had a fabulous day alhamdulilah!
Today was Community Day! We had lovely guests today who taught us so much about their fields. We got to meet a Physician, Firefighter, Police Officer, Humane Society Workers and an Artist. Students also got some great gifts from our guests!
Science: We learned why we have season.
- Pray
- Homework Pack (due on Tuesday).
- Read every day.
- Please sign your child's Science experiment booklet and Country rubric.
- This week Sr. Madlien did not read a new chapter since it was community day. In shaa Allah we will be reading the new chapter next week.
Have a wonderful evening inshaa Allah!
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Fire Drill Practice: Today we practiced how to line up and exit the school when there is a fire drill. Masha'Allah students did a good job, so we went to the park and we had a great time there!
Writing: Student wrote a riddle about fruits. Masha Allah they did and awesome job. I picked some of them to be read in the gym tomorrow morning.
Gym: We review eating habits and read a story. " Eating the Alphabet" and "Gregory, the Terrible Eater".
Social Studies: We learned the directions North, South, East and West.
Islamic Studies: Students answered questions about Muslim Manners in their I Love Islam workbooks.
Science: talk to your child about the four seasons and let them tell you what they know about each of the seasons.
Important: Tomorrow is Career Day inshaa Allah! Please remind your child to be in the best behaved manner. We will have many volunteers come to our class and talk about their profession.
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Fire Drill Practice: Today we practiced how to line up and exit the school when there is a fire drill. Masha'Allah students did a good job, so we went to the park and we had a great time there!
Writing: Student wrote a riddle about fruits. Masha Allah they did and awesome job. I picked some of them to be read in the gym tomorrow morning.
Gym: We review eating habits and read a story. " Eating the Alphabet" and "Gregory, the Terrible Eater".
Social Studies: We learned the directions North, South, East and West.
Islamic Studies: Students answered questions about Muslim Manners in their I Love Islam workbooks.
Science: talk to your child about the four seasons and let them tell you what they know about each of the seasons.
- Pray
- Read a story.
- Tomorrow the class is doing the morning assemble and I have asked a few of the students to read the fruit riddle they wrote today.
Important: Tomorrow is Career Day inshaa Allah! Please remind your child to be in the best behaved manner. We will have many volunteers come to our class and talk about their profession.
Monday, 12 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: students wrote thier spelling test and worked on a unit review in their spelling book.
Library: Students went to the library and checked out books.
Math: Math book page 249. Home connection: Ask your child to explain how he or she solved the problem. Ask "How did you make sure you didn't count any buttons twice?"
Gym: We played a mapping skills game. Students listening to directions and completed the actions or go to were I asked them. This exercise was similar to the mapping skills we are working in class. This week we will be going on a treasure hunt.

Science: We will be working on a new Unit "Earth Watch". Students will be learning about the different changes in daily and seasonal cycles.
I hope you have a great weekend inshaa Allah!
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: students wrote thier spelling test and worked on a unit review in their spelling book.
Library: Students went to the library and checked out books.
Math: Math book page 249. Home connection: Ask your child to explain how he or she solved the problem. Ask "How did you make sure you didn't count any buttons twice?"
Gym: We played a mapping skills game. Students listening to directions and completed the actions or go to were I asked them. This exercise was similar to the mapping skills we are working in class. This week we will be going on a treasure hunt.

Science: We will be working on a new Unit "Earth Watch". Students will be learning about the different changes in daily and seasonal cycles.
- Pray
- Story Response Log (Chapter Six) if you have not done it.
- Homework Pack due on tomorrow.
- The grade 8's will be having a popsicle sell tomorrow for only $1.00. Please help support their cause.
- Please sign your child's spelling quiz.
- Do not forget to send the Islamic studies book back. A copy of the dua'a has been given to al the students.
I hope you have a great weekend inshaa Allah!
Friday, 9 May 2014
Classwork and Homeowork
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Today we joined 1A and Tr. Hoda read My Father's Dragon, Chapter Six. Please write the response log on a separate piece of paper and send it in your child's homework folder on Tuesday.
Math: Math book pages 247 and 248.Please complete the rest of page 248 and home connection.
Islamic Studies: We worked on the students workbook and completed a page on Cleanliness. Students gave examples of good Muslim manners as a revision. Please study the dua'a on page E30 found in the Islamic Studies book.
Social Studies: Students worked on a worksheet about following directions.
I hope you have a great weekend in shaa Allah!
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Reading: Today we joined 1A and Tr. Hoda read My Father's Dragon, Chapter Six. Please write the response log on a separate piece of paper and send it in your child's homework folder on Tuesday.
Math: Math book pages 247 and 248.Please complete the rest of page 248 and home connection.
Islamic Studies: We worked on the students workbook and completed a page on Cleanliness. Students gave examples of good Muslim manners as a revision. Please study the dua'a on page E30 found in the Islamic Studies book.
Social Studies: Students worked on a worksheet about following directions.
- Pray
- Complete page 248, and (Home Connection)
- Story Response Log (Chapter Six)
- Homework Pack (due on Tuesday)
I hope you have a great weekend in shaa Allah!
Thursday, 8 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students sat on the carpet and they brain storm the purpose of cleaning the Capital is and what they should be doing it. Students wrote sentences about Cleaning the Capital in their writing notebooks and they drew a picture of themselves cleaning the playground.
Math: Students read the clues to solve number problems. They also made up their own problem story.
Home Connection: Cut a long paper strip and write in sequence (for example, from 15-30). Cover number with finger, and have your child tell you the number. Take turns covering numbers and guessing.
Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and we discussed several manners when visiting someone and eating. I will also like the students to memorize the duaa when travelling I will send the copies of the duaa tomorrow InshaAllah.
Today we cleaned the playground!
Complete Math
Read a story.
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students sat on the carpet and they brain storm the purpose of cleaning the Capital is and what they should be doing it. Students wrote sentences about Cleaning the Capital in their writing notebooks and they drew a picture of themselves cleaning the playground.
Math: Students read the clues to solve number problems. They also made up their own problem story.
Home Connection: Cut a long paper strip and write in sequence (for example, from 15-30). Cover number with finger, and have your child tell you the number. Take turns covering numbers and guessing.
Islamic Studies: Students sat on the carpet and we discussed several manners when visiting someone and eating. I will also like the students to memorize the duaa when travelling I will send the copies of the duaa tomorrow InshaAllah.
Today we cleaned the playground!
Complete Math
Read a story.
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon, Chapter six. Students went back to their places and they completed a worksheet about the chapter.
Students got to read the stories they wrote to the class. Masha'Allah their stories were great!
Writing: Students learned about safety tips when using the elevator.
Social Studies: We are learning how to give directions and find objects.
Math: Today we went to the French Cafe! Alhamdulilah we had lots of fun!
Art: The students made trees using Kandisky art.
Homework Pack (due on Tuesday)
Read a story.
Have a wonderful evening inshaa Allah!
Today we had a lovely day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students sat on the carpet and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon, Chapter six. Students went back to their places and they completed a worksheet about the chapter.
Students got to read the stories they wrote to the class. Masha'Allah their stories were great!
Writing: Students learned about safety tips when using the elevator.
Social Studies: We are learning how to give directions and find objects.
Math: Today we went to the French Cafe! Alhamdulilah we had lots of fun!
Art: The students made trees using Kandisky art.
Homework Pack (due on Tuesday)
Read a story.
Have a wonderful evening inshaa Allah!
Monday, 5 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling test and completed lesson #30. y as a vowel.Students wrote list words to match clues and they wrote the list words in alphabetical order.
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read .
Math: Math book page 245. Be a Number Detective.
Home connection: Ask you child to explain how he or she solved the problems on this page.
Social Studies: Students learned that left and right are directions that help you find things.
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Spelling: Students wrote their spelling test and completed lesson #30. y as a vowel.Students wrote list words to match clues and they wrote the list words in alphabetical order.
Reading: Students sat on the carpet and I read .
Math: Math book page 245. Be a Number Detective.
Home connection: Ask you child to explain how he or she solved the problems on this page.
Social Studies: Students learned that left and right are directions that help you find things.
- Pray
- Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
- Toonie Tuesday tomorrow.
- Used book sale tomorrow. Send some change with your child price range from $0.50 - up
- French Cafe May 7th
- Clean the capital May 8th
Friday, 2 May 2014
Classwork and Homework
Alsalamu Alaikum,
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Computers: students played different reading games on starfall.
Gum: students use the skipping ropes again.
Math: Math book pages 241 and 242 (Students used circles and number lines to complete the number sentences).
Home Connection: After your child tells you about this problem and how he or she solved it: "suppose there are only 2 objects in the yard and there are 5 wheels. How could we find out which objects are in the yard?'
Social Studies: Students read a map of a town. We learned about the different streets and the places we had on our map.
Islamic Studies: We did a crossword puzzle about cleanliness.
Study for spelling test on Monday
Weekly homework due this Tuesday
Toonie Tuesday this Tuesday.
Have a wonderful weekend
Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Computers: students played different reading games on starfall.
Gum: students use the skipping ropes again.
Math: Math book pages 241 and 242 (Students used circles and number lines to complete the number sentences).
Home Connection: After your child tells you about this problem and how he or she solved it: "suppose there are only 2 objects in the yard and there are 5 wheels. How could we find out which objects are in the yard?'
Social Studies: Students read a map of a town. We learned about the different streets and the places we had on our map.
Islamic Studies: We did a crossword puzzle about cleanliness.
Study for spelling test on Monday
Weekly homework due this Tuesday
Toonie Tuesday this Tuesday.
Have a wonderful weekend
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Classwork and homework
Alsalamu alaikum,
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students wrote sentences about Muslim Manners in their notebooks and they drew a picture and coloured it.
Math: We did some addition and subtraction by using number lines. Most of the students did great but extra practice at home is great to pick up speed.
Islamic Studies: students learned about cleanliness.
Reminders: Pray
Read a story.
Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!
Writing: Students wrote sentences about Muslim Manners in their notebooks and they drew a picture and coloured it.
Math: We did some addition and subtraction by using number lines. Most of the students did great but extra practice at home is great to pick up speed.
Islamic Studies: students learned about cleanliness.
Reminders: Pray
Read a story.
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