Friday, 13 September 2013

Some notes from the "Teachers"

Asalam Alikum dear parents,

We have finished another exciting week Alhamdulillah.  The students are all learning a lot and have started to come home with some work.
I ask all the parents that have not completed buying the school supplies to please do so.
Today, I gave all the students a blue folder containing the alphabet and some numbers. If your child has a black folder please buy a blue one for him or her and return the black duo tang to school. They are to complete ONLY the letter Aa and Bb, as well as the number 1, in some of the folders you will find the letter b after c sorry for the inconvenience.   Please do not do more than that.  If you would like you can make a separate copy and work on that on your own time.
Remember to always put all your child's work in their pouch this will help them get used to the routine.

Please read the following messages.  This post contains three other letter from the following teachers Tr.Salam(arabic speakers teacher),  Tr. Sahar(non-arabic speaker teacher and Qur'an teacher) and Tr.Said ( French teacher)

I hope you have a wonderful and restful weekend.


Tr. Salam 

الصف الاول الابتدائي 12 سبتمبر2013الاهالي الكرام ....        السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته .. نرحب بكم جميعا و بتلاميذنا الاعزاء , و كل عام و أنتم بخير ، يسعدني أن أقوم بمهمة تدريس مادة اللغة العربية للصف الاول الابتدائي لهذا العام ، جعله الله عز و جل عاما دراسيا مثمرا خيرا .      منهجنا الدراسي لهذا العام منهج شيق مفيد ، حيث تمثل مجالاته حياة الطفل وتسهم في تنمية قدرات الطفل الذهنية و الفكرية ، و تثري خبراته  في جميع فروع اللغة ( فهم و استيعاب – قراءة – كتابة – و تعبير)، وذلك من خلال  اتباع استراتيجيات متنوعه و محببة للطفل ( الانشودة ، المسابقة ، اللعبة التعليمية الهادفة ، الاعمال الفنية ، مشاركة التلميذ و فعاليته  في العملية التعليمية  ............ ) .       كما نحرص على ... ضرورة توفير جو نفسي اجتماعي يبعث الطمأنينة في نفس الطفل و يكون حافزا و مشجعا له للاقبال على التعلم بشوق لتحقيق ما نصبو اليه من أهداف تعليمية و تربوية  بيسر و سهولة ...و ذلك من خلال وضع قوانين و اجراءات مناسبة  لضبط السلوك و النظام داخل الفصل ، يتم تدريب التلاميذ على ضرورة اتباعها  لكي يسود الاحترام و التعاون والحب بينهم.      الكتاب المقرر سيبقى في المدرسة ، و سيرسل ان شاء الله الى البيت مع الطالب من حين الى آخرمع بعض ما ينجزه التلميذ لاطلاع ولي الامر عليه .      يمكنكم التواصل مع المدرسة من خلال :البريدالالكتروني(الايميل)                                         اللهم علمنا ما ينفعنا و انفعنا بماعلمتنا و زدنا علما .                                                                                  مدرسة اللغة العربية / سلام بسيسو


Tr. Sahar

Sept. 13, 2013.
Dear Parents,
Assalamo Allikum.
My name is Sahar Ahmad. I am your child's Quran teacher. In this welcoming letter, I ask Allah Almighty to make this school year a successful one, and to help us make the Quran reach our children's tongues and hearts.
My utmost goal in my classroom is to make your child learn how to read the Quran properly Inshallah. Also, your child will be memorizing some Suras of the Quran. I will keep you informed of your child's progress as classes go into full swing.
Inshallah, with your help, support and feedback, you will notice a big difference in your child's Quran reciting. Please feel free to contact me through the school number.
Wassalamo Allikum
Sahar Ahmad (Quran teacher)


Tr. Said

Dear Parents,
    My name is Mr.Said and your son/daughter is enrolled in my French class this year. I am looking forward to an exciting year. It is my goal to provide all students with an educationally challenging, yet fun, experience in my classroom. I will recognize the individuality of my students and will provide opportunities for each of them to experience success.
  I have extremely high expectations of all my students. I am asking for your help to maintain those expectations by checking with your son/daughter periodically to make sure that his/her work is being done. I am available to help students during my prep periods.
   I want you to know that one of my most important goals this year is to keep the lines of communication open with you.
   Please do not hesitate to contact me at,  if you have any questions or concerns during the year.
French teacher.