Math: 149-150
Spelling: we covered Lesson 18 " short vowel E"
Reading: please read with your child everyday
Islamic studies: We have started to read about the sirah of Prophet Muhammed(pbuh). Students learnt the names of his parents and who took care of him as a child. Review with your child please.
When practicing for the spelling test and doing the weekly homework please remember that students must print neat not messy. The worksheet I sent home this week was for that purpose. I need them to remember to start from the top down. Keep an eye for that. If they do not do it correctly it will be sent home for corrections.
I just wanted to remind you about two items:
- I need the goal sheets
- Pizza forms need to be brought in
The last thing I wanted to add is: I need parents to assist in the swimming. This weekend I was alone with one other parents. Al hamdulillah we did not have a full class but if we did we would of had a very hard time. If you cant assist maybe another parent you know might be able to come and help out. Please look into it and make it easy for everyone.