Monday, 21 January 2013

Homework for 21/1/2013


Math: page 222
Spelling:  test tomorrow.  Do not forget to practice in spelling city #12.

Weekly homework is due tomorrow.

We have completed of math unit and our Science unit as well we will be moving on our new units tomorrow Insha Allah.

Help needed....

Seeking your assistance in finding parent-volunteers to help distribute the milk at 11:30 a.m. on a daily basis. As you are aware, both classes (grade 1 A and B) will be benefiting from the program next month insha Allah. 

  If you could  kindly send me an email at your earliest convenience and inform us as to the status of our request.  My email address is jaragon@abraarschool .com
Insha Allah if we have enough parents we will be able to divide the days or weeks evenly. 

Jazakum Allah Khairan