Thursday, 31 January 2013

Homework 31/1/2013


Math:  page 13.
Today, students made a pattern necklace.   Continue to practice at home.

Science:  We are still collecting seeds.  When going shopping keep that in mind.

Hot lunch tomorrow.

The new milk program will start Tomorrow.  If you did not get a chance to send the money I was told that you may still send the money. They are willing to accept partial payment for the month of February which will come up to $18.

Wednesday, 30 January 2013



Math:  page 12, students are to complete their patterns.
We have been learning the different types of patterns.
I asked the students to make different patterns some of the students did not get a chance to finish, please make sure that their H.W is complete and work on the home connection.

The students have swimming tomorrow.  Please make sure that they bring warm clothes to wear after their swimming class.

Tomorrow is the last day to bring in the milk form.  Please try to participate!!!!!!  Remember any profits will be split between 1a and 1b.



Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Homework 29/1/2013

Math: page 7 and 8 home connection.

Reading:  please read at least 10 min.

Library:  tomorrow we have library please make sure that your child bring their library book.

Milk Program:  please join the milk program as our class will be benefiting form any profits.

I had also sent a note not too long ago requesting volunteers to prepare the baskets on Mondays and Thursdays.  Please let me know if you are available during those days.

Tomorrow, Wednesdays 30/1/02013 the grade eights will be selling popcorn and chocolates if you are interested in helping them out with their graduation.

A note from T. Nancy

Dear Parents/ Guardian,

Assalamu Alaikum


Reading to your child or having your child read to you has tremendous benefits such as spending quality time together, increasing your child’s vocabulary, introducing him/her to the wonderful world of books… the benefits are too numerous to name them all here.


                   “Read With Me” is a yearly library program that is geared towards daycare, preschool and grade 1                 students.  The program will start Monday, February 4, 2013 and will finish Sunday, April 14, 2013,                       inshaAllah.


                    For more information on the program details, please visit




                    Nancy-Ann Brethour, Librarian

                    Abraar School Library

                   1085 Grenon Avenue

                   Ottawa, Ontario

                   K2B 8L7

                   Tel.: 613-820-0044 ext. 225

                   Fax: 613-820-1495



             Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

Monday, 28 January 2013

Homework 28/1/2013


Math:   home connection page 6

Spelling: test tomorrow.

Reading:  Please let me know if you are interested in joining the MS read-a-thon.
I would like all the students to start reading at least 10 minutes a day.  I will be giving them a reading log this week.

Science: We are about to begin a new science unit called “Energy in Our Lives.” During this unit, the
students will be observing and investigating the forms of energy that they come in contact with in
their daily lives. They will be discussing the sun’s importance in sustaining all life. Food as a
source of energy for functioning in daily activities is also a focal point.
For the culminating activity, students will conduct an investigation of energy use at school to identify
an area where energy could be saved. Posters will be designed and displayed in an attempt to
influence a change in energy consumption. Data will be collected and graphed before and after the
posters have been displayed.

Thank you so much for your interest in our new unit!
Weekly homework is due tomorrow.

Message from T. Hoda

Assalamu alaikum dear parents


Please be adviced that your child is practicing Surat Al-Layl in the Quran class , the new ayas are from aya 14- 17, so please practice and review from aya 1-17.


Jazakum Alalhu Khairan for your support

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Homework 25/1/2013

Homework for this weekend.

Students have started the Unit on Patterning.
Please work on page 4 and 5 home connection.

Spelling: Study for this weeks spelling test# 13. (password: Awesome Students)
or use this link (

Reading:  Please encourage your child to read at lest 10 minutes a day.

Weekly homework is due on Tuesday.
Please make sure your child puts the booklet together and reads it.
I have shown them some of the exceptional work done by some students.  I hope to see many more this week.  I will be displaying the work of any students that shows their hard effort.

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Homework 22/1/2013


Math:  sign page 2.  We will be starting the Unit on Patterning.

Tomorrow the grade 8 will be selling chocolate for $2.50 and Pop corn for $1.75.

With these cold day we have been keeping the students indoors. I have ask the students to bring a toy that they may want to play with during their lunch break.

Today,  the students learn a little more about MS.  If you would like your child to participate in the Read A-Thon please let me know at   I can provide your child with an envelop in which they can collect their funds.  You can read more about it at

Thank you for your co-operation.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Homework for 21/1/2013


Math: page 222
Spelling:  test tomorrow.  Do not forget to practice in spelling city #12.

Weekly homework is due tomorrow.

We have completed of math unit and our Science unit as well we will be moving on our new units tomorrow Insha Allah.

Help needed....

Seeking your assistance in finding parent-volunteers to help distribute the milk at 11:30 a.m. on a daily basis. As you are aware, both classes (grade 1 A and B) will be benefiting from the program next month insha Allah. 

  If you could  kindly send me an email at your earliest convenience and inform us as to the status of our request.  My email address is jaragon@abraarschool .com
Insha Allah if we have enough parents we will be able to divide the days or weeks evenly. 

Jazakum Allah Khairan



Multiple Sclerosis Read-A-Thon Kickoff....

Dear Parents,

Assalamu Alaikum


Tomorrow is the Multiple Sclerosis Read-A-Thon kickoff!


The assembly will take place in the gym from 9:00 to 9:30.  Please visit for more information on this very important event.

MS Read-A-Thon            

Jazakum Allahu Khairan.



Nancy-Ann Brethour, Librarian

Abraar School Library

1085 Grenon Avenue

Ottawa, Ontario

K2B 8L7

Tel.: 613-820-0044 ext. 225

Fax: 613-820-1495


Books are the quietest and most constant of friends; they are the most accessible and wisest of counselors, and the most patient of teachers. ~Charles W. Eliot

Thursday, 17 January 2013

PD Day Friday 18/1/2013

Asalam alikum Dear Parents,
Insha Allah you are all well.

Our class has a been reading news articles everyday since school started. 
I am ecstatic to inform you that some of my students have started bringing articles they have found and want to share them with the class.

Now since tomorrow is a PD Day this is how I vision my students.  Hahahaha!!!!

May Allah bless them.

I also wanted to give them a special surprise as all of them did excellent in their spelling test.  MASHA ALLAH!!!!

I have not given them extra homework as I want them to work on their weekly homework and their reading.

I gave them a reading test last week and found that they are all improving but I would like them to become more fluent.

Have a wondeful long weekend.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013


Students have swimming tomorrow January 17th at 1:25 pm. If you are able to volunteer please come to the boys and girls club or to the school and we can leave together.  I been having a hard time with the boys as I am the only one there with them. I also need the students to have their swim suits on prior to their class. 
I did not send the math workbook home as I have been working with them on making a 2d figure and I do not want them to do it at home.  Instead read with your child or start on the weekly homework.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Grade 8 Fundraising


·        There was a note sent home for the Quran completion.

·        Do not send lunch with child tomorrow.  One of the class parents will be providing lunch for the class tomorrow.

·        Tomorrow the grade 8's are selling:

o    chocolates for $2.50
o    popcorn $1.75 tomorrow.

·        Read for at least 10 minutes

Monday, 14 January 2013

Weekly Homework


Math: math connection page 219 and complete any work that has not been completed.  Students need to write as many attributes as they can for the shape they chose.  I did an example on the board and each student had a chance to tell their partners attributes they remembered and their partners added to their info.

spelling: test tomorrow.   If students have not completed their spelling workbook lesson #13 please have them complete the work.

Weekly homework is due tomorrow please make sure your child brings it in.

Students need to bring snow pants, hats, scarfs, mittens and an extra pair of socks. I see many students not dressed for the weather.

Friday, 11 January 2013



T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTESTAttention Abraar School Students!!!

Do you want to make a difference? How about your design on the school’s t-shirt? Interested? Well then…READ ON!


1. Only ONE design per student.

2. Design Size: 8 inches x 10 inches.

3. Background of the design should be white in color.

4. The design can only contain 3 colors.

5. It can be hand drawn or computer generated. If hand drawn then we should be able to scan it. If it is computer generated then the file should be in the .jpg format.

6. The design must only contain the following words/sentences:

a. Abraar School

b. Character is the key!

7. All art work must be student’s original and not copyrighted.

8. This competition is open to all grade levels.


Submit Your Design to Sr. Naida or Email to
Homework( 1-11-2013)
Math: students have been working on symmetry.  Today the students turned their name into a piece of symmetrical art.
Spelling: complete lesson #13 page 53- 56.
Islamic Studies:  practice making wudu at home. 
-Today we were talking about the importance of listening to our mothers and doing we are asked. 
I also told the students that if parents are having to ask repeatedly for a choir to be completed to let me know and I will personally ask them and remind them that what they are doing is not correct.
  I did address several issues that have arise without mentioning names I also acted them out so student could see how they look when they are misbehaving.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Homework/ note for Arabic speakers

A  note from teacher Salam:

اللغة العربية :

السلام عليكم .. نرحب بكم ، و كل عام و أنتم بخير ...... كتاب اللغة العربية (العربية الميسرة – القراءة و التمارين) مرفق مع الطالب ، للاطلاع عليه ، حيث انتهينا  اليوم من درس  حرف الدال ( في نادي الرياضة ) .

توقعنا من الطالب حتى الان  : قراءة و تهجئة جميع الحروف و المقاطع و المفردات في فقرة (أقرأ) التابعة لكل درس من الدروس التي درست  ، و ما شاء الله معظم التلاميذ يجيدون ذلك ......... الرجاء الاطلاع على الكتاب ، و ضرورة ارساله مع الطالب غدا الى المدرسة لحاجتنا الدراسية له .

الكتاب المقرر سيبقى في المدرسة ، و سيرسل بين الحين و الاخر للبيت لعمل بعض الواجبات المنزلية ، و لكن ولي الامر الذي يرغب في أن يذهب الكتاب يوميا مع الطالب الى البيت ، عليه اخباري بذلك ، على أن يضمن احضارالطالب للكتاب، معه يوميا الى المدرسة في حالة جيدة ، لحاجتنا اليومية له .

و جزاكم الله خيرا ........ المدرسة / سلام
Daily Homework
Math:  page 217 We started to learn about clocks.
Weekly homework was given today please start studying the weekly spelling words. 

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Field trip

We had a field trip to the public library today. 
 I apologise for not reminding you as I myself had forgotten.  
We listen to a couple of stories and each student had a chance to look through  book of individual interest. 
 Overall they had a great time and it was a nice surprise as well. 
 However they did not had a chance to check out books since students did not had their library cards.
Insha Allah our next up coming field trip to the library is on March 19th so mark your calenders.
Math: page 214-216 home connection.  Please practice with your child the concept of symmetry.
Here are a few websites that you may use. 
Daily reading is great.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Tomorrow is........

Tomorrow is Toonie Tuesday.

Your child may wear anything they want
 as long as they bring $2.00.

Math: page 212 and 213 home connection
Spelling:  There is no spelling test this week
Hope you all had a restful winter break.  It was nice to see the students enthusiastic to be at school.