Wednesday, 7 October 2015


As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. We had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!

Writing:  students had a chance to write in their journals about co-operation .

Islamic Studies:  Student read about the importance of Makkah.  

Math:  students review the attributes of a pattern and made their own patterns in their workbooks. 

Library:  students visited Tr.Nancy and took out a library book.  Please make sure to return it next Wednesday. 

* Hot lunch form was sent today, please return it by October 20th.

* The Terry Fox Run is tomorrow.  Please make sure that your send a    bottle of water.

*A Terry Fox sponsor form was sent home today.  I will let you know when to return it insha Allah. In the mean time collect as much as possible to find a cure for cancer. 

* Do not forget to sign up for class Dojo.

*I have noticed that some students are coming late to class, please make sure that your child is in class by 8:20am. It is essential that your child arrives to school on time. We start our day with a morning assemble where we reading quran, hadith of the month and important reminders. 

*Thank you for all the parents who contributed to our 
  "Missing Snack" box.