Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Classwork and Homework

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Inshaa Allah. 

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!
Social Studies: We reviewed the rules and responsibilities at school and at home.
Math:  students reviewed ordinal numbers.

Reading:  students read quietly while other read to me.

Spelling:  Students wrote their first spelling test today Insha Allah they should have it back before Friday.
Please use spelling city to practice for the spelling test. You can use the  the link below

Quran: review Surah At-Teen Surah At-Teen Ayah 1-6

*  If your child does not have a library card please send me an e-mail.

*library tomorrow please return any due library books.

*Weekly homework #2 was sent home today.  Please make sure that you make the booklet and have them read it.  

* I would like to remind you that students need to come in proper uniform.  Now that the weather is getting cold your child may need to wear a sweater in school please make sure that it is dark blue.

Jazakum Allah,

Have a wonderful evening!!!