Friday, 30 October 2015

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Inshaa Allah. 

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!

Islamic Studies: We reviewed the six pillars of Islam.

Math:  I review what addition and subtraction was.

Spelling:  Students will have a spelling test  Tuesday, Nov 3rd Insha Allah. 

 The words are:  pig    job    bag    fun    fan   jar   five    six

-please make sure that when you practice with your child they print neat.  

-words will not be given in the order 

Please use spelling city to practice for the spelling test. You can use the  the link below

Reading:  Students took a blue folder home with which have dolch words.  Have them read the words marked once every day.

Gym:  Students went outside to play in the public park and enjoyed some fresh air.

Quran: review Surah At-Teen Surah At-Teen 


*Weekly homework #3 is due on Monday.  Please make sure that you make the booklet and have them read it.  

* We have a library field trip coming up on Wednesday November  4th, 2015.  Students will need to bring their library card if they have one and a reusable bag to place the books they check out.

* Tuesday November 3rd, will be Toonie Tuesday insha Allah.

* I would like to remind you that students need to come in proper uniform.  Now that the weather is getting cold your child may need to wear a sweater in school please make sure that it is dark blue.

Jazakum Allah,

Have a wonderful Weekend!!!

Monday, 26 October 2015

Classwork and Homewrok

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Inshaa Allah. 

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!

Islamic Studies: We reviewed the six pillars of Islam.

Math:  students reviewed counting by 1's, 2's, 5's.  We worked on page 18-19.

Spelling:  Students will have a spelling test tomorrow Tuesday, Oct 26th Insha Allah. 
 The words are:  one    two    tub     bus    bat.

-please make sure that when you practice with your child they print neat.  

-words will not be given in the order 

Please use spelling city to practice for the spelling test. You can use the  the link below

Art: Students made an Autumn collage

Gym:  Students went outside to play in the public park and enjoyed some fresh air.

Quran: review Surah At-Teen Surah At-Teen Ayah 1-6


*Weekly homework #2 was was due today.  Please make sure that you make the booklet and have them read it.  

* I would like to remind you that students need to come in proper uniform.  Now that the weather is getting cold your child may need to wear a sweater in school please make sure that it is dark blue.

Jazakum Allah,

Have a wonderful evening!!!

Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Note from Tr. Sahar

تصحيح تاريخ الاملاء المطلوبة للجمعة – الصف الاول الابتدائي

الاملاء الموضحة في ورقة الواجب الاخيرة ستكون ان شاء الله الجمعة بعد الغد ( 23/10 ) و ليست يوم  16/10 ، و نحن تعتذر لذلك .          و جزاكم الله خيرا

A note from Tr.Sahar

السلام عليكم :
أود الاشارة الى ....اننا هذا العام اتبعنا نظام جديد في تحديد مستوى التلاميذ لجميع الفصول بشكل متسلسل  ،حيث قسمت  جميع الفصول الى 16 مستوى ،ابتداء  من الصف الاول (المستوى 1 ) و ختاما بالصف الثامن  ( المستوى 16 ) .
فالصف الأول الذي أقوم بتدريسه لهذا العام بناء على التقسيم الجديد ، هو المستوى الثاني.........  ففي حالة متابعتكم اليومية   Blogالخاص بالواجبات المنزلية  أوالرسائل ، الرجاء متابعة ما هو  فقط  تحت  عنوان (الواجب المنزل 

المستوى الثاني - المعلمة سحر )  ......   وجزاكم الله خيرا

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Classwork and Homework

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Inshaa Allah. 

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!
Social Studies: We reviewed the rules and responsibilities at school and at home.
Math:  students reviewed ordinal numbers.

Reading:  students read quietly while other read to me.

Spelling:  Students wrote their first spelling test today Insha Allah they should have it back before Friday.
Please use spelling city to practice for the spelling test. You can use the  the link below

Quran: review Surah At-Teen Surah At-Teen Ayah 1-6

*  If your child does not have a library card please send me an e-mail.

*library tomorrow please return any due library books.

*Weekly homework #2 was sent home today.  Please make sure that you make the booklet and have them read it.  

* I would like to remind you that students need to come in proper uniform.  Now that the weather is getting cold your child may need to wear a sweater in school please make sure that it is dark blue.

Jazakum Allah,

Have a wonderful evening!!!

Monday, 19 October 2015

Classwork and Homework

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. We had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!

Writing:  students had a chance to write in their journals.

Islamic Studies:  Allah(swt) is Al-Wadood.  

Math:  students learned that they can use math everywhere.

Spelling:  Students will have their first spelling test tomorrow on the following words  the   a bat   see sit   us .

Quran: review Surah At-Teen Surah At-Teen Ayah 1-6

*  If your child does not have a library card please send me an e-mail.

* I would like to remind you that students need to come in proper uniform.  Now that the weather is getting cold your child may need to wear a sweater in school please make sure that it is dark blue.

Jazakum Allah,

Have a wonderful evening!!!

Friday, 16 October 2015

Classwork and Homework

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, Inshaa Allah. We had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!

Computer:  students had a chance to visit the computer lab and learned how to log on.

reading:  Student read words from a flash card to each other.  

Math:  students are learning to identify numbers to 10. Students worked on page 13 today.  You may review any work they have done up to now.

Gym:  students play Alien tag.

Quran: review Surah At-Teen Ayah 5-6.

*  If your child does not have a library card please send me an e-mail.

* I would like to remind you that students need to come in proper uniform.  Now that the weather is getting cold your child may need to wear a sweater in school please make sure that it is dark blue.

*scholastic book orders are due next Friday October 23rd.

* Homework is due Monday.

*Spelling test on Tuesday Insha Allah.

Jazakum Allah,

Have a wonderful evening!!!

Wednesday, 7 October 2015


As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. We had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!

Writing:  students had a chance to write in their journals about co-operation .

Islamic Studies:  Student read about the importance of Makkah.  

Math:  students review the attributes of a pattern and made their own patterns in their workbooks. 

Library:  students visited Tr.Nancy and took out a library book.  Please make sure to return it next Wednesday. 

* Hot lunch form was sent today, please return it by October 20th.

* The Terry Fox Run is tomorrow.  Please make sure that your send a    bottle of water.

*A Terry Fox sponsor form was sent home today.  I will let you know when to return it insha Allah. In the mean time collect as much as possible to find a cure for cancer. 

* Do not forget to sign up for class Dojo.

*I have noticed that some students are coming late to class, please make sure that your child is in class by 8:20am. It is essential that your child arrives to school on time. We start our day with a morning assemble where we reading quran, hadith of the month and important reminders. 

*Thank you for all the parents who contributed to our 
  "Missing Snack" box.  

Terry Fox Run

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

The National Terry Fox School Run day is this week, inshaAllah. For more information concerning this important cause, please click here to view the flyer.

Thank you for your support in this crucial fight against cancer. Jazakum Allahu Khairan.


Nancy-Ann Brethour

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Classwork and homewrok

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. We had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Today We had a wonderful day alhamdulillah!

Writing:  students had a chance to write in their journals.

Islamic Studies:  Student read about what Allah(swt) created.  

Math:  students review the attributes of a pattern and made their own patterns using pattern blocks.

Spelling:  students printed the letters O, P, Q in their workbook. They also took it home and for extra practice.  Please do not work ahead.

*  I will need 5 volunteers for this trip insha Allah.
Almost all the student returned their field trip but I do not have any volunteers.  I will not be able to go if I do not have volunteers.  If you are able to attend please let me know.

*I have noticed that some students are coming late to class, please make sure that your child is in class by 8:20am. It is essential that your child arrives to school on time. We start our day with a morning assemble where we reading quran, hadith of the month and important reminders. 

* From time time we have students who forget to bring in their lunch bags and need a snack.  I would like to have have a "snack bank" that we can keep in our class in case of emergency.   If you like to help you may send in cereal bars, cheese crackers, juice, cereal or any other non perishable snacks.

*Thank you for those parents that sent emergency snacks.