Monday 5 January 2015

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

It was nice to see the students back at school eager to share their stories. 

Islamic Studies:  we sang a song about the five daily prayers.

Math:  students started to work 2D and 3D shapes.  Please read and  sign page 120.

Spelling: students worked on lesson 16 short U vowel.

Gym: students did a warm up exercise and played dodge ball. 

Reading:  students read quietly the book they borrowed from the library.  They listen to " If I Built a Car".  If your child did not complete the book report on this story please complete it and send it to school tomorrow.  A worksheet was sent in their red folder prior to the break.

Quran: The students are working on surah Ash-shareh 1-4.


Tomorrow is Toonie Tuesday.

We will be having a field trip to the library this Wednesday.  If you are able to volunteer please let me know ASAP.

Please purchase a canvas 12 x 16 and a clear cd case if you have not done so,  I will be working on it this Friday.