I will be sending a form home today for the class book project. This is the book your child has worked on and it will be sent to a publishing house.
Please sing it and return it even if you are not purchasing a copy of the book. I must have all the parents forms signed and return for our class to receive a free copy book of the book for our class library.
Math: page 200. We have finished the unit. We will be moving on to Unit 11" capacity" if you would like to review it with your child.
Some of the goals are
- compare the capacity of containers by filling them with water and other materials
- compare and estimate the mass of an object
- solve everyday problems about mass and capacity
Spelling: complete lesson 29. page 117-220.
Complete weekly homework. Do not forget that we have a long weekend, no school on Monday.
I did not receive any Olympiad Games registration forms. If you are having trouble getting a team together perhaps you can join in with other members in our class.
On Tuesday the students will have a special treat from two of their class mates Insha Allah. The students will be getting Pizza and a cup cake.