Friday, 31 May 2013
No extra home work was given this weekend. Enjoy your weekend and complete the weekly homework. I will be testing the student on all of the spelling words given make sure to study them and know their meaning.
We have started to discuss time and temperature.
Thursday, 30 May 2013

- The weekly homework was sent home today.
- I have added an extra item in the homework this week. I have shown the students were to find it and what to do.
Just a quick reminder that next week the students might not have swimming class. So far I do not have volunteers and I will not take them if I do not have anyone to help out. You still have time to let me know if you are interested in coming to help. I will remind everyone again next week Insha Allah.
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
Field trip
Jazakum Allah kheir to all my volunteers for today's field trip. It was a very successful one Al-Hamdulillah. We did get a little rain but all the students had a great time overall Masha Allah.
I did not send the weekly homework as I did not have time to prepare it. Insha Allah it will be sent tomorrow. You may read with your child today or finish the spelling work on lesson 33 if you have not done so.
For any of the students who had retakes the forms were sent home today.
I did not send the weekly homework as I did not have time to prepare it. Insha Allah it will be sent tomorrow. You may read with your child today or finish the spelling work on lesson 33 if you have not done so.
For any of the students who had retakes the forms were sent home today.
Tuesday, 28 May 2013
Field trip tomorrow
Asalam Alikum,
Tomorrow will be our field trip to the International Children's Festival. Please send water with your child a good healthy snack and lunch. Try to pack an extra snack as we will be walking around all day and will be hungry once we return to school.
Please dress your child according to the weather. It might rain and I ask if you can please have your child wear a rain jacket and rain boots.
Please come on time the students will have their snacks before they go on their trip.
Math: page 262-263
Spelling: workbook lesson 33 due on by Friday
Have a good night and sleep well.
Tomorrow will be our field trip to the International Children's Festival. Please send water with your child a good healthy snack and lunch. Try to pack an extra snack as we will be walking around all day and will be hungry once we return to school.
Please dress your child according to the weather. It might rain and I ask if you can please have your child wear a rain jacket and rain boots.
Please come on time the students will have their snacks before they go on their trip.
Math: page 262-263
Spelling: workbook lesson 33 due on by Friday
Have a good night and sleep well.
Monday, 27 May 2013
Bake Sale/ Homework
I'm still missing a few filed trip forms I need them back by tomorrow Insha Allah.
I was just informed that next week one of the volunteers that helps me out during the swimming lessons will not be here, I will be needing your help in order for me to go. If you are able to join us next week during the swimming lessons please let me know.
- Math: page 260
- Spelling test tomorrow. The spelling assigned for the weekend is due tomorrow, please make sure that your child bring their spelling workbook to school.
- Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
- We have a bake sale tomorrow.
I'm still missing a few filed trip forms I need them back by tomorrow Insha Allah.
I was just informed that next week one of the volunteers that helps me out during the swimming lessons will not be here, I will be needing your help in order for me to go. If you are able to join us next week during the swimming lessons please let me know.
Friday, 24 May 2013
Field Trip
I sent the field trip form today, sign both side and return on Monday Insha Allah. Below are some picture of some attractions.
Math: page 260. Only do the home connection DO NOT COMPLETE THE WORK PLEASE.
Spelling: page 125-128, the students have till Tuesday to complete it.
Weekly homework is due on Tuesday do not forget.
Please look around your house for any books that belong to the schools library as well as the class library.
Have a great weekend,

Thursday, 23 May 2013
Homework/field trip
I sent the weekly homework today. It is unusually short as we been having problems at school and I am unable to prepare the homework. I will be sending the spelling workbook this weekend to make up for the missing homework. Take this opportunity to go outside with your child.

Please do read with your child daily and review the math home connection.
Math page 257-258
Today, again we did not get many volunteers. I was quiet disappointed as not many parents are willing to volunteer. Now, I am planning a field trip for Wednesday 29th, and I need to have 3 volunteers. The trip will be to the International Children's Festival and it will an entire day activity form 9-1:30. If you are interested in attending please let me know and I will e-mail you back ASAP to confirm. I will be choosing the volunteers in first come first serve basis. You may e-mail me at as I am not sure when the server at school will be working to its full capacity.
The field trip form will be send home tomorrow Insha Allah.

Please do read with your child daily and review the math home connection.
Math page 257-258
Today, again we did not get many volunteers. I was quiet disappointed as not many parents are willing to volunteer. Now, I am planning a field trip for Wednesday 29th, and I need to have 3 volunteers. The trip will be to the International Children's Festival and it will an entire day activity form 9-1:30. If you are interested in attending please let me know and I will e-mail you back ASAP to confirm. I will be choosing the volunteers in first come first serve basis. You may e-mail me at as I am not sure when the server at school will be working to its full capacity.
The field trip form will be send home tomorrow Insha Allah.
Wednesday, 22 May 2013
Tuesday, 21 May 2013
Pasta day tomorrow, if you did not place and order do send your child with money and they may be able to purchase a plate.
math: sign page 252, and complete page 254 we took it up orally in class.
Spelling: complete page 123-124
Please do not forget to send the Studentstreasures form for tomorrow. I need to mail in the complete package. If you are not interested in purchasing a copy of the book simply sign it and return the form.
This week the students are allowed to bring any toy they like to play during indoor recess.
I would like to thank both families for providing lunch for the class. The students mentioned to me how pleased they were.
math: sign page 252, and complete page 254 we took it up orally in class.
Spelling: complete page 123-124
Please do not forget to send the Studentstreasures form for tomorrow. I need to mail in the complete package. If you are not interested in purchasing a copy of the book simply sign it and return the form.
This week the students are allowed to bring any toy they like to play during indoor recess.
I would like to thank both families for providing lunch for the class. The students mentioned to me how pleased they were.
Friday, 17 May 2013
Book Order
Dear Parents,
I will be sending a form home today for the class book project. This is the book your child has worked on and it will be sent to a publishing house.
Please sing it and return it even if you are not purchasing a copy of the book. I must have all the parents forms signed and return for our class to receive a free copy book of the book for our class library.
Math: page 200. We have finished the unit. We will be moving on to Unit 11" capacity" if you would like to review it with your child.
Some of the goals are
Spelling: complete lesson 29. page 117-220.
Complete weekly homework. Do not forget that we have a long weekend, no school on Monday.
I did not receive any Olympiad Games registration forms. If you are having trouble getting a team together perhaps you can join in with other members in our class.
On Tuesday the students will have a special treat from two of their class mates Insha Allah. The students will be getting Pizza and a cup cake.
I will be sending a form home today for the class book project. This is the book your child has worked on and it will be sent to a publishing house.
Please sing it and return it even if you are not purchasing a copy of the book. I must have all the parents forms signed and return for our class to receive a free copy book of the book for our class library.
Math: page 200. We have finished the unit. We will be moving on to Unit 11" capacity" if you would like to review it with your child.
Some of the goals are
- compare the capacity of containers by filling them with water and other materials
- compare and estimate the mass of an object
- solve everyday problems about mass and capacity
Spelling: complete lesson 29. page 117-220.
Complete weekly homework. Do not forget that we have a long weekend, no school on Monday.
I did not receive any Olympiad Games registration forms. If you are having trouble getting a team together perhaps you can join in with other members in our class.
On Tuesday the students will have a special treat from two of their class mates Insha Allah. The students will be getting Pizza and a cup cake.
Thursday, 16 May 2013
Asalam Alikum, Please read the note sent home today.
I am not able to send or receive e-mails, once everything starts working I will let you know.
I did not send any homework today.
I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is the deadline for the pasta order as well as for the games on the day of the bbq.
I wanted to know if any of you are welling to take another member with you. I have a student who wants to take part in the games but does not have a team. If you can help our please let me know.
Gave a good night.
I am not able to send or receive e-mails, once everything starts working I will let you know.
I did not send any homework today.
I just wanted to remind you that tomorrow is the deadline for the pasta order as well as for the games on the day of the bbq.
I wanted to know if any of you are welling to take another member with you. I have a student who wants to take part in the games but does not have a team. If you can help our please let me know.
Gave a good night.
Wednesday, 15 May 2013
Keep it up every one, our class is doing great Masha Allah!!!
I gave the students their weekly homework.
Math: we are learning about area, please practice at home.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013
French Cafe
Asalam Alikum
The higher grades have their annual French Cafe please support them. Please send you child with a $1.00 or two. This is a great opportunity for them to practice their French skills.
We almost reached our goal for the " Penny Drive", the students are very excited please help us out with what ever you can.
Sign the spelling test.
I only have two words to say "MASHA ALLAH' all the students did great. Keep it up.
Have a great night and see all of you tomorrow Insha Allah. I have noticed that some students are coming late to class. I have talked to them about going to bed early. It is important that they make to class on time. When students came in late them miss portions of lessons that Im not always able to take up on the spot and the students fall behind in the class work.
The higher grades have their annual French Cafe please support them. Please send you child with a $1.00 or two. This is a great opportunity for them to practice their French skills.
We almost reached our goal for the " Penny Drive", the students are very excited please help us out with what ever you can.
Sign the spelling test.
I only have two words to say "MASHA ALLAH' all the students did great. Keep it up.
Have a great night and see all of you tomorrow Insha Allah. I have noticed that some students are coming late to class. I have talked to them about going to bed early. It is important that they make to class on time. When students came in late them miss portions of lessons that Im not always able to take up on the spot and the students fall behind in the class work.
Monday, 13 May 2013
Asalam Alikum,
Just a few reminders about the fundraisers.
Math: page 194
Spelling: test tomorrow.
Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
Tomorrow the school is taking part in"Clean the Capital". Please send your child dress for the weather we will be outdoors for 45min.
I want to remind you that school is almost over and I need to start collecting all of the class books. please look around your house for any books that belong to the class or the school library.
Just a few reminders about the fundraisers.
- The deadline to order pasta is May 17th.
- Penny drive for these week, send any coins or paper money that you would like to donate.
Math: page 194
Spelling: test tomorrow.
Weekly homework is due tomorrow.
Tomorrow the school is taking part in"Clean the Capital". Please send your child dress for the weather we will be outdoors for 45min.
I want to remind you that school is almost over and I need to start collecting all of the class books. please look around your house for any books that belong to the class or the school library.
Friday, 10 May 2013
Weekly homework
Insha Allah you enjoy your weekend.
I sent home the math book and spelling workbook.
Math: we have been working on the measuring unit in math we are on page 192 at the moment. We will be learning about area next week Insha Allah.
Spelling: we finished lesson 28. Please check your child's workbook to make sure they have finished their work.
Islamic Studies: I need any books you might have on prophet Suliman(a). I am having a hard time finding material.
Work on the weekly homework.
Do not forget to send any loose change you might have around the house for the Jk's penny drive.
Bbq forms need to be returned if you are interested in attending.
Thursday, 9 May 2013
Toy sale tomorrow
The Sk will be having a toy sale tomorrow again Insha Allah. Please send your child with some money for them so they can buy a toy. If you have any unwanted toys also bring them a long to donate.
The students received their weekly homework today. No extra homework was given we have been reviewing estimating and measuring if you wanted to practice with your child.
I wanted to thank the parents who came and volunteered today. My day was much easier and enjoyable Al-Hamdulillah. May Allah reward you for your efforts.
One last thing the JK's are having a penny drive so collect all those pennies and send them along please. The class with the most $ collected will be receiving Frezzies.
Wednesday, 8 May 2013
Community day

Today we had our community day. All the student learnt a lot Al-hamdulillah.
I did not give any homework to the students today as we did not do much work.
The students will be given their weekly homework tomorrow sorry for any inconvenience.
Tomorrow the student have swimming lesson at 1:05pm Insha Allah. Last time we had swimming I had a hard time. If you are able to come and help please do so. I normally have two sisters with the girls and I stay with the boys. I need to have two volunteers with the boys as well. Please help if I do not have the help needed I will not take them as it has become difficult to control them after swimming as there is no one there to watch them.
All the student must have their swimming clothes on. We do not have time to change into swimming clothes. Please label your child belongings as sometimes they get misplaced.
If you have any questions concerns or would like to volunteers please let me know at
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Toonie Tuesday/ Bake sale

Tomorrrow is Tonie Tuesday.
There is also a bake sale. Send your child with some money to buy a treat or two Insha Allah.
I did not give any homework today. I think it is important that the students go out and enjoy the weather.
You can read to them daily.
Spelling test tomorrow and hand in the weekly homework.
I wanted to let you know that teacher Asma'a had a baby girl over the weekend. Please keep her and her family in your dua'as.
Wednesday, 1 May 2013
Milk program

You still have time if you wish your child to participate in the milk program. If you do not have a form you can just send the money and I will fill the form here at school for them.
Tomorrow is the fundraising pizza day if you have not sent the money Tr,. Hijat will accept last minute orders.
There is no swimming tomorrow.
Math: home connection children use a non-standard unit to estimate, measure and record the height of different objects.
Reading: The students have their weekly package they can start on their reading.
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