Monday, 3 November 2014

Classwork and Homework

As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Islamic Studies:   Students are learning why we should all love Allah(swta). 

Library:  students has a chance to take a book home. Please make sure they read it and return it by next Monday.

Gym:  we did a warm up and played what time is it Mr. Wolf.

Math:  We started our new Unit on Addition and Subtraction.  Please sign page 80 and do page 83 if it is not complete. Do the home connection portion at home.

Reading:  students read individually while I asked other to read from their weekly homework booklet.

A big masha Allah to all the students in grade 1b for winning the salah cup this week. 

*  tomorrow is Toonie Tuesday insha Allah.

  Field trip form was sent home, please sign and return if you have not done so.  If your child does not bring it back they will not be able to attend the field trip.  

* Students will need to bring their public library card to take books home on Wednesday.

*  DRA reading assessments to identify student's independent reading level will be taking place over the coming 2 weeks. Students will be asked to read a short story depending on their level and discuss the reading orally with me.