As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Dear Parents,
I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Islamic Studies: Students had their quiz.
Math: Students work individually to conduct a survey and to record and interpret the results. Page 118. Please complete home connection portion at home.
Qu'ran: Students are learning surat Al- Alaq 1-6.
Social Studies: students watched a movie on responsibility.
Spelling: Lesson 8-Beginning and Ending j,f,g.
Sign spelling test notebooks and do any corrections.
* Tomorrow is spirit day.
As-salamu-alaikum wa Rahmatullah
Dear Parents,
I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!
Islamic Studies: Students had their quiz.
Math: Students work individually to conduct a survey and to record and interpret the results. Page 118. Please complete home connection portion at home.
Qu'ran: Students are learning surat Al- Alaq 1-6.
Social Studies: students watched a movie on responsibility.
Spelling: Lesson 8-Beginning and Ending j,f,g.
Sign spelling test notebooks and do any corrections.
Social Studies: students watched a movie on responsibility.
Spelling: Lesson 8-Beginning and Ending j,f,g.
Sign spelling test notebooks and do any corrections.
* Tomorrow is spirit day.