Tuesday, 11 June 2013

End of the year presentation/Reminders

End of the year presentation

Every student has been given a part.  Ask you child which part they are doing and have them practice in front of you.  They have to have it memorized by this Friday Insha Allah.  Each one of them took their copy home and may keep it at home. I have other copies for them to use at school.

My School
I really like my school,
and just want to say,
That's where I spend,
most of my day.
Countless activities,
I get to do.
For arts and crafts,
I always use glue.
During math class,
I learn to add and subtract.
ten times ten equals one hundred,
that's an absolute fact.
One of my favorite classes,
is fun and called gym.
I can nearly touch,
that basketball rim.
I also enjoy learning,
difficult words to spell.
My ears are programmed,
for that school bell.
I really like my school,
and just want to say,
I'm always excited,
for the very next day.
This school year,
has come to an end.
Say goodbye to each,
teacher and friend.
You've clearly done,
a lot of work.
Summer vacation,
is your reward or perk.
Just remember,
to continue to read.
That will help,
your brain cells feed.
During the summer,
you'll get to relax.
Play outside,
and eat healthy snacks.
Remember to show,
your parents your grades.
Just be honest,
don't hide behind shades.
Your school year,
has reached its end.
Enjoy your summer,
I recommend.

Other reminders

  • On Friday the students will be going home early.  All the students must be picked up by 12:15 the latest.
  • Thursday is the school's last hot lunch. 
  • Several form have been sent home.  Please make sure you look inside your child's black bag. 
  • I need you help in collecting boxes.  I need to pack many school items and need everyone's co-operation in collecting boxes.
Jazakum Mulak kheir for all you hard efforts.