Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Tr. Nancy

Dear Parents, 
Assalamu Alaikum

Please note that all the MS Read-A-Thon Pledge sheets and money donations need to be brought to school on or before Wednesday, February 25, 2015.  The company that will be picking up the pledges and the money will be coming to school Thursday, February 26, 2015. It is vital that their envelope be ready forThursday.

Thank you for your help and cooperation in this matter.

Have a great day inshaAllah.


Nancy-Ann Brethour

Friday, 20 February 2015

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Students have been working very hard on their portfolios. Jazakum Allah for taking the time to come and see your child's work.

- The MS Read Athon pledge forms and track sheet was sent home today, please place it in a large plastic bag to keep it safe and clean.

- The students will be having a Qur'an quiz.

- Do not forget to send the $2 on Monday Insha Allah.


Assalam alaikoum  Dear parents, 
This week, your child began a new unit, Où est mon chien?
   In order to do well in French this term, your child will:
•  participate actively in class, in French only;
•  work cooperatively with others in the class while answering questions;
•  learn the gestures covered in class;
•  learn the gesture associations;
•  participate in songs, chants, and games with enthusiasm;
•  complete class work;
•  seek help when needed.

At-home support
In order to support the work covered in class, and to ensure student success and independence, students may practice the gestures and the play, songs. The DVD is a very useful tool to support the program and can be used as the basis for at-home support. Parents may share in the language learning with their children as well!

Students will be assessed on their ability to:
•  learn the words in this unit;
•  use French spontaneously, both with the teacher and with peers;
  pronounce words correctly;
•  answer questions based on the story;
•  perform the play;
•  listen well;
•  cooperate with peers while working with a partner;
•  participate with enthusiasm;
•  complete work on time;
•  stay focused and productive in class.

•  One double-sided pocket folder for work in class
•  DVD for home use (optional)

   I am looking forward to working with your child. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions regarding this outline or your child’s progress. Please encourage your child to share with you what and how s/he is learning in French class.
You find in the email I sent you 9 attachments :
The story - ou est mon chien?
List of vocabulary.
Ongoing assessment sheets.
La semaine - song -
Les contraires - song / activity -
Minuit est perdu - song -
Monsieur / Madame - Activity -
Ou est mon chien - song -
Qu'est-ce qui se passe après ? / activity .
Jazakoum Allah khairan .

French teacher

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Writing:  They are writing all about them and getting ready for portfolio's.

Math:  We Have started the Unit on patterns.  Students have been sorting different items.  Today they completed page 5 and 6.  Please do the home connection portion at home.

Spelling: Students had their spelling test.  They were asked to circle the words that would come first if they had to put the words in alphabetical order.  Any mistakes should be done three time neatly.

Quran: The students are working on surah   Ad-Duha Ayah 4 to 7.  Please practice with your child.

French:  Please sign the rubric sent home and return it.

Science:  The students were given their science rubric.  You will notice that there is a portion were they have to evaluate the poster they made. Please sign it and return it.

Reading:  I read " Shades of People"
- The MS Read Athon pledge forms and track sheet was sent home today, please place it in a large plastic bag to keep it safe and clean.

Weekly homework was sent home today.


Monday, 2 February 2015

Classwork and Homework

Dear Parents,

I hope and pray that all of you are doing well, In shaa Allah. Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Islamic Studies:  We are reviewing the life of the Prophet Mohammed(P). 

Math:  we are almost done the unit on 2Dand 3D shapes.  We Have started the Unit on patters.  Students have been sorting different items.  Today they completed page 4.  Please do the home connection portion at home.

Spelling: Students had their spelling test.  They were asked to circle the words that would come first if they had to put the words in alphabetical order.

Science:  We are done with the oral presentations.   The rubrics will be going home tomorrow in the homework package.  We are also learing about the different sources of energy.

Reading:  Sr. Madline came in last week and read a story for the class.  The students will be assigned work based on the reading tomorrow insha Allah.

Quran: The students are working on surah  Ad-Duha from Ayah 1 to 3.


-Toonie Tuesday Tomorrow.

- We will be starting the MS Read Athon.  Please send a large plastic bag with your child tomorrow,  they will need it to keep all their things in there.