Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Science workshop and End Year Presentation

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Science Workshop:  The students had a wonderful and time.  They spend the morning doing hands on activities related to Energy.  Please do ask them questions and they will be glad to share with you their experience.

End of Year Celebration: Inshaa Allah 1A and 1B will be performing on tomorrow for the End of Year  Celebration. Students will come in their uniform, but girls will be wearing a white shirt and boys will wear a light blue shirt. I look forward to seeing you all on Wednesday inshaa Allah!

Reminders: Pray                   Story Response Log, Chapter 10 (Please write it on a piece of paper and students will paste it in their Story Response Logs in shaa Allah)
  • If your child did not give me their home address please do so, you may write it on the paper your child has in his or her agenda because students will be writing letters to each other inshaa Allah. Also some of the students did not bring their postage stamp or the money to buy one.  Many students have mailed out their letters already and should be receiving it soon insha Allah. 
  • I sent home a field trip form today please sign it and return it ASAP in order for me to know how many students will be going.  I will also need 5 volunteers please.
Have a wonderful night inshaa Allah!

Monday, 16 June 2014

A Note from Tr. Nancy

Dear Parents,
Assalamu Alaikum

I hope this message finds you well and in good health.

Summer vacation is just a little over two weeks away, and everyone will be having fun in the summer sun, inshaAllah. Before you leave for this long awaited summer vacation, I would like to ask you a question. Have you heard of the Summer Slide? If not, the Summer Slide is when all that hard work that your child has put into reading throughout the school year is lost because he or she is no longer reading during the summer months. The good news is that a few actions can prevent this slide. The following are some suggestions:

    - Take your son or daughter to the public library every week and borrow many books. Let your child be the guide to choosing the books. If your son or daughter is to enjoy reading, he or she needs to like what he or she is reading. In addition, public libraries have an excellent summer reading program. It is a good idea to take advantage of it.

    - If transportation is an issue, and a trip to the library on a weekly basis will be hard to do, then you can use Bookflixthroughout the summer months, inshaAllah. All you need to do is email me at nbrethour@ abraarschool.com, and I will be happy to provide your child with a username and password. All that I need is your child’s first and last name and your child’s grade (Please note that Bookflix is for children in SK to grade 3).  With Bookflix, your child will be able to read or read along with a variety of fiction and nonfiction e-books.

   - Please read to your child or have your child read to you. It is paramount to keep is practice going. Not only is it quality/bonding time between parent and child, but this practice will increase your child's vocabulary and imagination, inshaAllah.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at school or via email.

Have an enjoyable, safe, and relaxing summer vacation, inshaAllah.

Happy Reading!

Nancy-Ann Brethour,
Abraar School Librarian
70 Fieldrow Street
Ottawa Ontario K2G 2Y7
Tel: 613-226-1396

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Math: Math book page 186.

Students presented their projects and they did a wonderful job masha'Allah!

We did a lot of practicing for the End of Year Celebration and masha'Allah the students are awesome!

Students were very excited to take home the pottery they did.  At the bottom of it you will notice that there are two letters which correspond to your child's first name and last name if for some reason they do not match up please send it back as we have a few pieces missing.


  • Pray
  • Read
  • The End of Year Celebration will be on Wednesday, not Tuesday in shaa Allah.
  • Please send a postage stamp with your child or the money to buy one if you have not done so.  All the students will be mailing out their letters tomorrow Insha Allah.

Have a great evening!

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students sat on the carpets and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon, chapter ten. Students completed a worksheet about the chapter.

Math: Math book pages 184-185.  Please do the home connection portion.

Social studies: Students presented their projects and masha'Allah they all did a great job!

Art:  The students are learning a song for the end of the year presentation.

The class was not able to join  1A on the field trip today.  I will arrange for another trip insha Allah.


  • Pray
  • Read a story.
  • Home connection
  • Bring a postage stamp or 0.85 cent to cover the cost
  • Write down your address in the front of the agenda.
  •  No homework pack this week :)
  • a schedule for the end of the year celebration was e-mailed today.


Have a great evening inshaa Alah!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Student sat on the carpet and I read to them a story.

Writing:  We started writing the letters for their pen pals.  Insha Allah they will be mailing them by the end of the week.  Student still need to bring the money for a stamp which cost 0.85 cents or a postage stamp if you have any.

Gym/Math: We went outside with 1A and the students used straws, sticks and pencils to measure different objects. Math book page 183 and 184.

We also talked about number patterns and we did some number patterns on the board. 

Students presented their projects and masha'Allah they all did a great job!

  •  Pray
  •  Read a story.
  • Write down your address in the front of the agenda.
  •  Tomorrow we will be going to the library, so please send your child's library card if you have it.   Still looking for two more volunteers.

Have a great evening inshaa Allah!

Monday, 9 June 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day today alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students worked in their spelling workbook.

Math: Math book pages 8-15, students can do the reflection sheet on page 16.

Social Studies:  Some of the students did their presentations today.  Masha Allah it was so wonderful to see how ambitious they are.  Masha Allah they have wonderful futures ahead of them.


  • Pray
  • Story Response Log, Chapter 9 (Once your child is done retelling you the chapter, have him or her write the following words in sentences: dawn, dusk, crank, conduct and summon)
  • If your child did not present something there is still plenty of time.  I will continue till the end of the week.
  • Field trip this Wednesday 11/6/2014 to the public library!  Volunteers needed :)

Have a wonderful night inshaa Allah!

Friday, 6 June 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

We had a wonderful day yesterday alhamdulilah!

Reading: We joined 1A and I read My Father's Dragon, Chapter Nine. We talked about some of the new words we learned in the chapter.  Once your child is done retelling you the chapter, have him or her write the following words in sentences: dawn, dusk, crank, conduct and summon)

Spelling: We learned how to add "ed" to action words.

Math: Math book pages 4, 5,7 and 7.  Do the home connection portion at home please.

Masha Allah the students enjoyed having ice Cream on Thursday as a treat.

Reminders: Pray
                   If your child paid for a freeze on Thursday insha Allah he will receive it on Monday.

Have a great weekend in shaa Allah!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014

Grade 6 and SK graduation

Assalamu Alaikum,

Please be advised that tomorrowThursday, June 5, the Grade 6 and SK classes will be selling freezies as their final fundraising event for the upcoming graduations.  The students are very excited about the prospect of graduating and, insha Allah, with your help, we can raise enough funds to have a rewarding and successful ceremony for each of the grades.

The students will be selling JUMBO freezies for $1.50.  Teachers, please forward this email to all parents of your students so that we can make this event a success.  Thank you for your continued cooperation and support.

Jazakum Allahu khairan,
Grade 6 & SK Teachers

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Writing:  Students had a choice on what to write about.  Some students wrote about their favourite colour while other chose  to write about Leo.

Reading: Students sat on the carpets and Sr. Madlien read My Father's Dragon, chapter nine. Students completed a worksheet about the chapter and Sr. Madlien gave the students lollipops!

Math: Math book pages 1-3. Students are to complete page 3 at home due tomorrow.

Science: We went outside with 1A  and students completed a Science worksheet in pairs by describing objects using their five senses.

Art:  Students are working on their art final project for the year.  

We also took Leo outside for a walk! :)


  •  Pray 
  • Read a story.
  • No homework pack this week :)
  • Tomorrow SK and grade 6 will be selling freezies for $1.50 inshaa Allah.

Have a great evening inshaa Alah!

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Classwork and Homework

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a wonderful day alhamdulilah!

Reading: Students read quietly on their own or with a partner.  I also read a book on Guinea pigs to learn more about Leo.

Writing:  We discussed what is the cycle during Ramadan.

Science: 1A joined our class and students watched a video about structure. They learned about different structures and how they are built.

Gym: Students learned how to kick a soccer ball the correct way and they particed. 

Reminders: Pray
                   Read a story.

                   Sign field trip form.

Monday, 2 June 2014

Classwork/ Homework and Toonie Tuesday

Alsalamu Alaikum,

Today we had a great day alhamdulilah!

Spelling: Students wrote their spelling quiz. 

Library: I Rad to the students two books while they sat on the carpet.  They answered some reading comprehension questions.  

Math: Math book pages 265.  Math book pages 263 and 264 (Complete the two pages)

Gym: We went outside and we played soccer, skipped and played Hop Scotch!

Islamic Studies: We joined 1A.  Students sat in a big circle and they met our new guinea pig friend. We talked about Muslim manners when dealing with animals and students watched a video about how to take care of guinea pigs. 

Reminders: Pray
                   Read a story.

 Tomorrow is Toonie Tuesday in shaa Allah.